Sin City- third viewing, love the movie, it could be Kill Bill 3 in my opinion, wish there were more special features
The Perfect Score- some what better than I thought, it's filled with young stars that are making it big as we speak. But at the same time very predictable.
Miss Congeniality 2- similar to the first good for a laugh, rented in Colorado.
Because of winn dixie- nicely made sappy children's movie, but then again it was a book, rented in Colorado.
Fat Albert- rented by my sister, it was ok, sort of stupid, I don't recall how it did in the box office. Guest appearances but Aaron Carter and Joel from Good Charlotte, i bet that sold a lot of tickets.
Bride and Prejudice- from the director of Bend it Like Beckham, Bollywood meets Hollywood, a semi-musical that travels from India to England to LA and back again, has some hilarious characters.
The Upside of Anger- I was surprised to find out the gross radio producer in the movie was the writer and director! He is very talented. Had hilarious moments and sad moments, I felt like I didn't really get to know the daughters and felt like their stories were left unfinished.
The Brother's Grimm- in the tradition to ensemble cast action adventures like The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, it had funny times and really cheesy times. It was ok though.
Constantine- much better than I thought it would be. Keanu Reeves was pretty good, enjoyed seeing the good and evil reveal themselves, I liked it
I Capture the Castle- nice, funny movie. Still have to finish the book, I was disappointed by the ending, I didn't want to be but I was, I felt bad for the girl.
Shaun of the Dead- hilarious zombie movie, the beginning is great and has some really cool shots but by the time the zombie war in going on full force it got pretty boring.
Dogville- it was a play on film, was about 3 hours long. Strange set and Grace's reason for running away was strange, weird ending.
Analyze That- less annoying than the first movie, but in the same tradition, it was ok.
The Big Chill- reminds me of St Elmo's fire but maybe 7 years later. Glenn Close and Kevin Klein and Jeff Goldblum in their younger years, I would suggest it!