Genres of Interest (and not of Interest): Currently my favorite genres are: romance, young adult, crafts (crochet, amigurumi, knitting, felt and paper crafts etc) graphic novels, and chick lit. I also enjoy pop psychology, mini comics, zines, art, design, humorous memoirs, middle grade, and humor.
Please do not pitch me any of the following genres I do not read them, I probably will not respond: Paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi, horror, sports, medicine and war. I do not accept self published books.
I also 100% prefer to read books from a series in order, if you are able to provide the books that come before the one you are pitching as well that would be wonderful.
When emailing me I would love to read the summary, the release date and see the cover in the email. A link to more information is also welcome. Quotes from other reviews don’t do much for me.
Since I consider myself a Pop Culture Junkie I’m also interesting in movies, tv, and music etc.
Formats Accepted:
I currently do not accept e-books or pdfs. I’m open to audio books though I have not listened to many. If your book has important imagery missing in ARC form (craft books, graphic novels) please tell me, I may not be able to review it in that state.
My goal is to post three reviews a week but I have not been hitting that for a long time now. Besides posts reviews on my blog I post almost all of my reviews on Amazon.com, GoodReads, and LibraryThing. I try to send a link of my review once it has posted.
I rarely accept books these days. By accepting or receiving a book I do not guarantee that I will read it or that it will appear on my blog. If I find I cannot get into a book for whatever reason I will put it aside and possibly try again at another point in time. If I cannot finish it I will not review it. I promise to be fair and honest in my reviews. There have only been a few books in my life I have HATED. But most books are also not perfect.
Review Format:
Most of my summaries come from Amazon.com followed by my honest opinion, release date, genre, rating, and disclosure of where the book came from.
Ratings System:
I rate on a 5 star system, including half stars. It's definitely a gut reaction rating. The only books that get 5 stars are books I would consider favorites.
If you are expecting that a review post by a certain time please mention that when you first get in touch with me as it will definitely influence my decision and I will probably decide not to accept it. If nothing is said up front I will plan the book into my schedule as I have time. Currently I cannot guarantee I will read/review a book within a certain time frame whatsoever. Reminders tend to make me want to read a book less. If a timeline is not mentioned up front I won’t be able to guarantee anything time wise. I try to review as many books as I can near their release dates but recently that has become harder and harder.
I read books in order of what I am interested in at the time and also how a book has made it into my hands. I give preference to books in this order: Blog tours, Requested by me, accepted via a pitch, and least preference goes to books that randomly show up. I prefer to be emailed about a book beforehand (instead of it just showing up in the mail) so I can decide if it’s something I want to read and in turn there is a better chance of me reading and reviewing it. I am also a member of Amazon Vine.
Blog Tours:
I love to participate in blog tours but need at least 2 month (preferably more) between the time the book arrives and my blog tour date is.
Interviews and Guest Posts:
I occasionally conduct interviews but prefer not to do so before reading at least one of the authors books so I have a knowledge base to work with. I also occasionally welcome guest blogs. I prefer to post interviews and guest posts in collaboration with either a review, blog tour, or giveaway. Interviews and Guest Posts are not a regular feature on my blog.
I think of giveaways as a way to say thank you to my readers. I will turn down giveaway offers if I do not think they would be something my readers would be interested in. When approaching me about a possible giveaway I would love to know the time frame you are thinking and if the contest is US/CA/International up front.
If I somehow receive a duplicate of a book I will either give it away on my blog or pass it on to another reader.
Lookalikes and Hardcover vs. Paperback Features:
I invite readers (and non-readers) to submit suggestions for Lookalikes or Hardcover vs. Paperback via email. These features would occur much less often without the help of you! Thanks for your help so far! I also credit those who submit in my posts.
My sitemeter and open and accessible to anyone (see sidebar). For further stats please feel free to email me with the specific stats you are looking for.
Contact Information:
Please contact me at aleareads @ gmail.com (remove spaces). I do not always have time to respond to all emails but do certainly try to do so. I have stopped responding to pitches that are on my do not read list.
I’m on twitter as @mint910 please feel free to contact me for some friendly conversation but I prefer to hear about books you are interested in pitching via email.
You can visit my LibraryThing and GoodReads accounts as well.
I am US based.
**This review policy is a work in progress. If something you want to know is not laid out here, please email me!**