Here are the guidelines:
Once an award is received, the rules are as follows:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Here are my nominees:
Tracy shares my passion for not only books but tv and movies and most importantly So You Think You Can Dance!
The Page Flipper
Back from retirement, The Page Flipper is one of my favorite reviewers of YA books.
Reviewer X
Reviewer X is also another blog I turn to for YA suggestions. Very passionate reviews!
The Story Siren
I can't keep up with the Story Siren's YA reviews. She's a reading machine!
In the rules it doesn't say I can't nominate someone that already has been nominated...
J. Kaye's Book Blog
J. Kaye is also a reading machine! She's probably the most friendly blogger I have ever met!
Presenting Lenore
Lenore, like myself not only blogs about YA but other types of books as well. I love the balance!
S . Krishna's Books
S. Krishna blogs about books very similar to my taste. She's my new favorite blogger!
Wow, thank you for the nomination! You're so nice :D I'm flattered -- you just totally made my day!
Steph- It's the least I could do! I really like your blog a lot! I can tell you put a lot into your reviews :)
ReplyDeleteAlea! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I feel so special. :)
ReplyDeleteAww, again with the complimenting! I'm a sentimental person, whatcha trying to do to me? Make me totally obsessed with you? :P
ReplyDeleteBut, really, thank you. This was really nice of you (not "the least you could do" - it's quite a lot).
Chelsea- I'm so glad you are back! I could tell you missed it too you've posted about 1,000 reviews in the last few days! I have a lot of catching up to do!
ReplyDeleteSteph- LOL! No problem! I really like your blog, I don't comment enough I'm just all over the place. I do read it though!!! I love some of the discussions you've been having :D
Alea, You have made my day, you are such a sweetheart! And speaking of our mutual obsession, which was your favorite dance tonight? Mine was the first one Twitch and Katee did. They are my two favorites:)
ReplyDeleteSWEET! You know I love your blog too. I am going to do this award thing - give me a little time :)
ReplyDeleteWowzers, Alea! Thanks so much! You totally made my day! Serioulsy though, i can't thank you enough for thinking about me when you have a list of other great reviewers up there!
ReplyDeleteTracy- I'm so glad! Katee and Twitch's first dance was my favorite too! There were too many ballroom numbers this episode. They should slim those down they are all starting to look the same to me!
ReplyDeleteLenore- Aww thanks! Take your time! I did :)
The Story Siren- I'm so glad! I think you are a great reviewer! I can't keep up with your reviews you put them up so quickly!
Thanks so much for the nomination - it's so exciting!