Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight: The Movie

So just got back from Twilight, probably the last person on the face of the earth to see it. I was very pleased with it, it was just what I expected. Definitely a fine adaptation unlike some of the majorly plot altering adaptations of books I've seen in the past.

It was definitely cheesy at times, especially when Bella joins Edward's Biology class, I mean geez! My favorite scene was the baseball scene, loved all the quick slow quick slow shots plus the great Muse song. That's one I'll watch over and over again on the dvd. Wonder how long we will have to wait for that to come out!

I think I feel pretty much the same about the movie as I did about the book. Wanted more of the Cullens, more Jacob, just more everything. Every time any of the other Cullens were on screen I got so excited, I just love that group of characters but to me they played pretty minor roles like in the book.  I guess we will just have to sit and wait at least a year for New Moon.

What are your thoughts on Twilight the movie?



    One of my favorites, too.

  2. glad you liked it. :) i'm excited for new moon. more of jacob, right?

  3. Anonymous5:30 PM

    It's easy to forget that the Cullens aren't really featured very much in the first book isn't it? The subsequent movies should be good if only for more Cullens.

  4. Hey Alea: You are not one of the last to see it. I haven't seen it and have no desire to see it. I could never understand the fascination with vampires?????

  5. Ha! You aren't the last person to see it. I will be. :P

  6. I haven't read the books or seen the movie yet! I'm totally lame!

  7. I loved the movie! I took my kids to see it last night.

  8. I loved the baseball scene as well. And I wanted more cullens!!!! :( But i loved it overall. Thought they did a really good show. I reviewed it more on my own blog if you're interested. LOL


  9. Anonymous6:29 AM

    The best movie i've ever seen before. I am going to watch twilight tomorrow.. i just loved it.

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM


    All of my friends said that this book was amazing! I should read it... I was going to see the movie yesaterday but I had to go to my cousin's birthday party! I guess it's better if I read the book first anyway!

    please visit my blog at:

  11. Lol. I caught the cheesiness too but I was willing to overlook them because I really loved it! My husband liked it too

  12. I put my thoughts here:

    It was okay. (Is that a good endorsement?) I think New Moon will be better.

  13. I liked it okay. The baseball scene was my favorite, and I loved Charlie and Emmet. The rest I was kind of meh about. Or I was laughing at the silliness of it. My real review is here.

  14. the baseball scene was great, but I loved the battle between edward and james in the ballet studio best. I have to say that and the flying through the trees was fantastic.

  15. Anonymous8:26 PM

    LOLOL! No you aren't. I haven't seen it yet. :)

  16. Anonymous9:55 PM

    i haven't read it yet! so u r not!

    and everyone is talking abuot it... and i m going to get this book LOL!

  17. Hope- It's so good!

    Liv- New Moon wasn't one of my favorites but I bet I'll like the movie!

    Taren- It is, and it makes me sad!

    Tina- It's actually rather fun!

    Amee- LOL!

    sharonanne- You should!

    Alabama Book Worm- Aww, so fun! I don't remember seeing anything so fun when I was little!

    Shooting Stars Mag- Now I want to know when the dvd comes out!

    Jason M.- Glad you liked it

    Lauren- Yes I'd say read the book first!

    Ladytink_534- Yay for people other than females liking it!

    Heather- It was pretty much what I expected and I'm not even sure what that means!

    jessi- I'll come check it out!

    Serena- Yes the flying through the trees was WOW!

    J. Kaye- Go! I hope you like it!

    Veens- I hope you like it Veens!


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