Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback 14

Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell

Australian Edition

Riley Rose, atheist and bad girl, has been tricked into attending Spirit Ranch, a Christian camp. There she meets Dylan Kier, alumni camper and recent paraplegic, who arrives with a chip on his shoulder and a determination to perfect all of his bad habits. United in their personal suffering and in their irritation at their fellow campers, they turn the camp inside out as they question the meaning of belief systems, test their faith in each other, and ultimately settle a debate of the heart.

Based on the product description I'd say the second cover makes more sense with the heart and the religious symbols.

Which is your favorite?


  1. I really like the Second cover; I think it reflects the content nicely.

  2. I've never read this before, but if I saw these two covers in a store, I would most likely pick up the top one to see what the book was about. It makes it look more interesting than the second one. :)


  3. The second one does make more sense, but I prefer the first. I don't like the title font on the Australian version.

    The UK is different to both of these, but I can't find a picture anywhere, lol.

  4. I'd say the second cover, but I tend to favor covers that don't contain a photograph of an actual person.

  5. Hardcover! More intrigue.

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I like both of the covers in different ways. Like the first is a great YA cover and the second looks more like an adult fiction cover (I'm running on no sleep, so there's really no rationale behind that statement). The book itself sounds really interesting though.

  7. Tricked into going to christian camp? I've been there. Good times.

  8. The first is more traditionally US YA, but the second I think is more original. However, I think I like them equally.

  9. For fans of of the second cover you might want to stop by cough*Friday*cough! :)

  10. Second cover. It looks completely beautiful ^^

  11. I'm not really a fan of either of the covers, but I'll have to go with the hardcover.

  12. I like the second cover better as well. Fits the description. Before I read the summary, I thought it was going to be a road trip sort of story line based on the first cover!

  13. The second cover might make more sense, but the first cover says "adventure" and makes me want to know more.

  14. Ooooh, the second cover for sure! It really catches my attention and yes the heart and religious symbols seem to fit with the theme of the story.

  15. I don't really like either of them but I think I prefer the second.
    prophecygirl, I can't find the UK cover either, but I know it's different cos I looked at it at borders and I wouldn't have picked up either of those covers you've shown. Sorry

  16. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I vote for the second one too!

  17. Definitely the second cover, it's super-cute and just a whole lot better than the first.

  18. The second one is gorgeous!

  19. Great book. I have the second cover and it is definately my favourite one. It suits the content well and is really, really cute. :D

  20. I prefer the second cover too. It just catches my attention more.

  21. I'm in for the 2nd cover--the stones are gorgeous and it looks unique

  22. Great comments everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

  23. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Hmmmm...I think I like the Australian Edition better.


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