Wednesday, February 04, 2009

"Waiting On" Wednesday! 16

Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle

Growing up in a world of wealth and pastel-tinted entitlement, fifteen-year-old Carly has always relied on the constancy—and authenticity—of her sister, Anna. But when fourteen-year-old Anna turns plastic-perfect-pretty over the course of a single summer, everything starts to change. And there are boys involved, complicating things as boys always do. With warmth, insight, and an unparalleled gift for finding humor even in stormy situations, beloved author Lauren Myracle dives into the tumultuous waters of sisterhood and shows that even very different sisters can learn to help each other stay afloat. .

Released May 14th 2009

A sister story? Count me in! This sounds like it will be a great one, I think my sister might like it as well! Also, I love how the title isn't actually written on the cover- how great is that!

EDIT TO SAY: I got this post ready probably about a month or so ago and now that tons of you have this I'm so jealous! *pouts* :/

What can't you wait for to be released?

"Waiting On" Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine!


  1. lol, I have this book. I can't wait to read it!! :)

  2. Love Lauren!! Can't wait to read it! ;)

  3. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sounds good and I love the cover. (I don't have the book, by the way.)

  4. Anonymous8:39 AM

    That's a really cute cover!

  5. This book looks so cute. I've seen a bunch of people have review copies. I hate them.

  6. I lend my copy to you, if you want. Just e-mail me at inbedwithbooks AT yahoo DOT com.

  7. Well I don't have this but I've heard great stuff about it. I just love the title and the cover.

  8. Yep! Tap and Gown by Diana Peterfreund is coming out on May 19. I can only hope that I have read the series up to then when it comes out!

    That cover really IS cool. Reminds me of how Stargirl didn't have the title in words on the cover either.

  9. I adore the cover, can't wait to read it! So jealous of everyone who has a copy!

  10. Aww I want to read this one too! Damn people with review copies :( How awesome is the cover?!

  11. This sounds really good. And the picture title is very creative.

  12. BookChic- LOL, evil, kidding kidding!

    Keri Mikulski- I really liked her story I read in Let It Snow!

    bermudaonion- The cover is very clever isn't it!

    Taren- So cute!!!

    sharonanne- I know, makes me want to cry :P What meanies! Hehe!

    Liviania- You are too sweet, don't worry though, I'll read it someday when the time is right! You are too kind to offer though! :)

    Mishel- Yeah it sounds great and it so cute!

    Steph Su- Oh yeah you are right, I had forgotten Stargirl was like that!

    Bookworm- Yeah :/

    LisaMay- Hehe!

    TruBlue93- I love it!


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