Saturday, April 18, 2009

This Week In Books Part 2 Or Oh Noooos Why Did I Think It Was A Safe Idea to Go to Borders Tonight?!?!?!

You may be thinking to yourself "Didn't Alea already post her This Week In Books post today?" and you would be right. I was an idiot and thought it might be fun to go to Borders tonight, haven't been in a few weeks, I'd get one book and leave, perfectly innocent, or so I thought! They had the hugest clearance sale I've ever seen there! Books, and books, and books everywhere and cds and movies! I consider myself lucky that this is all I left with! HA!

Local Girls by Jenny O'Connell

This one sounds cute! And it was on clearance!

Moby Clique by Cara Lockwood

I have the first two in this series so I figured why not, it was on clearance too!

Such A Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess

I had dismissed this one as too sad for me, but in an effort to try and enjoy sad books I got it, it was also on clearance!

Tatoo by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

I got this because I have a copy of the sequel to this book, Fate. And I had a 30% off coupon!

The Complete Season 1 of Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends

Ok yes, this isn't a book. But this show is beyond awesome, anyone else like it? It was on clearance for $10! My only concern is the cover is different from all the other ones online, hopefully there is nothing shady about this version!


  1. Wow! You're so lucky. I guess I shouldn't be too jealous since I did have a pretty good week in books myself without spending a dime! :P

  2. I really want Tattoo! I need to remember to buy that one the next time I am in a bookstore. You got some great books. And you had already gotten so many earlier! So jealous!

  3. Moby Clique is AWESOME!! Foster's is a good show.

  4. Foster's? You are so lucky!

  5. Hah:-) Perfectly innocent, sure.
    When I go to Borders, I leave with no money, so I just avoid going altogether.

  6. I want your Borders, mine never has sales in the YA area. Tattoo was a really good read, I hope you enjoy it.

    Seething with bookstore jealousy.

  7. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Haha. I was looking at the Moby Clique one this week but I don't know the order of the other ones. Such A Pretty Girl looks really good. Such great books on sale!

  8. Aww! :O No fair!!
    I am officially insanely jealous of you!!
    You had such a great work!
    And sure, innocent. Yeah right! Never!
    Jeez, when I get my debt card, it's going to be hell for my bank account. T_T
    I'm supposed to be saving up my money! But, but, but there are sooo many good books to get!!
    And you just made it worse! Lol.
    I swear, you and Kristi. I dunno what to do with you too.
    You gotta tell me what you think of them!
    They all look so good.
    And I don't think I get Foster's on my tv anymore. :( I think I saw a few episodes while it was, though.
    Not sure what I think about it.
    Must look into it. Stat!

  9. No sale at my Borders...what's up with that??

  10. Oh my goodness. I think I might have to take a walk to my local Borders tomorrow too. This is too good to be true!

  11. Ok...I have got to go to Borders tomorrow, but I swear they must know when I am going to visit because there are NEVER any good sales when I go.

  12. Borders can be a truly evil store..... every time I go in there I come out with no money, we should have someone look into the phenomena lol ;)

  13. I didn't realize Fate was a sequel! Is everything part of a series these days or what?!

  14. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Like oh em gee, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends... me want.

    Yay for clearance sells and you should give yourself a round of applause. If it was me, I probably would've bought the whole bookstore, even if I didn't have a coupan!

  15. Wow! :) Awesome books you got there. I loved Local Girls. Hope you will like it as much as I did!


  16. Canada doesn't even have Borders - *sigh*

  17. Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.

    I love that blue thing on the cover! Don't suppose his name is Blue, is it?

  18. I love Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends! Whenever I catch it on TV I laugh and laugh!

    Hey, do you like Phineas & Ferb? That one kills me.

  19. Anonymous9:19 AM

    I hope you enjoy (if that's the right word) Such a Pretty Girl. It's one of my all-time favorites and I don't read sad books either (still need to get around to Before I Die and Living Dead Girl).


  20. Going to bookstores is a dangerous game, you know that Alea lol

  21. I think you did a good deed - taking in homeless books like that.

  22. Tattoo is on my shelf right now...don't you love the cover? It sounds pretty cool!

  23. I'm the same way, it's like potato chips, you're kidding yourself if you think you'll be satisfied with just one!! :)

  24. P.S. Don't hate me but you have an award here:

    8) hope you don't mind <3

  25. I love the MTV books!

  26. Nice!! Love clearance.

    I'm the say way.. Can't walk out of a bookstore without books. :)

  27. I love that you buy so many books, in addition to all that you receive. It's what keeps the industry alive.

  28. What fun to hit such a good sale!

  29. Everytime I hear about Boarders I have a case of Boarders envy!

  30. Yep, I found that sale too at my Borders. I ended up with all sorts of books but forgot to post what I got, plus most were for attendant gifts for my upcoming wedding. Who wouldn't want a book gift, right?:) It's never safe to go to Borders!

  31. You know you can't stop with just one! Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  32. Yeah I'm so glad some of you are Foster's fans too!

    Yes, maybe it wasn't so innocent for me to go to Borders but what can I say, I like to torture myself :P

    Lenore- I think so, seriously!


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