Saturday, May 16, 2009

This Week In Books Or I Managed to Not Buy Anything At the Library Or Anywhere Else But That Didn't Seem To Matter


Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
The Comeback by Marlene Perez
And Then Everything Unraveled by Jennifer Sturman
Slept Away by Julie Kraut
How to Buy a Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson

A Match Made in High School by Kristin Walker
Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund

A whole slew of review copies showed up Monday and also two books from Sharon. Thanks Sharon, I will be seeing you soon prepare yourself.... :P


The Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading by Charity Tahmaseb and Darcy Vance

This came for an upcoming tour I am participating in through Goddess Fish.


MagicKeepers: The Eternal Hourglass Book One by Erica Kirov

Came for review.


Breathing by Cheryl Renee Herbsman

Came for review.


The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan

This came for an upcoming Traveling to Teens tour. Go check out the action over there, it's really heating up!


  1. EEEK! You got Shiver!

  2. Oooh, Shiver looks so good!

  3. *sigh* How many different ways can you say "jealous"? Really? Because that it exactly how I feel right now!

    One other thing - how do you do that cool photo thing? That's really neat!

  4. You got some really good books. Academy 7 looks amazing.

  5. Demon's Lexicon = very good!

    Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading = Ordered it last night! (and I'm in the tour too =0)

    Match Made in High School = looks amazing!

    Breathing= also looks amazing!

  6. Ok, if I don't get Shiver at BEA, I am sneaking into your suitcase and then stealing it from you!

  7. So jealous of Shiver- how did you get it?!

    Also, I got Demon's Lexicon too for the tour, but on Monday instead of Friday. I'm excited to read it! :) I also got Slept Away this week too.

    And yay for Breathing- it's a great book! I hope you enjoy it!

  8. Nice collection this week alea! I have a contest up on my blog now if you are interested in scoring another book. :D

  9. Oh wow! What an amazing week you had in books! ^_^

    I can't wait to hear more about them in the future!

  10. I got MagicKeepers too. You did great, even without the library sale!

  11. Shiver sounds great. Can't wait for your review of that one!

    And is that the UK edition of Lexicon that you got? It's the same as mine, so I'm guessing it is.. ?!

  12. Wow, you just never have a dull week do ya alea? LOL It's quite alright, sounds like you got some fun things.


  13. lol Jenny, the people who needed a copy of Lexicon received UK copies for the tour :)

  14. I just finished Shiver and loved it. Can't seem to find the next book that interests me as much. My mind wants to stay with that world for a little longer.

  15. Wow, awesome books you got, I've heard a lot of good things about Shiver. Enjoy.

  16. Ooh, you got A Match Made in High School. I really want to read that one. It sounds cute. :)

  17. Anonymous5:46 PM

    You are so lucky to get How To Buy.. and A Match Made in Highschool. Happy reading and I hope you enjoy all your books!

  18. OMG this is like your best week ever! I am so totally jealous about the Comeback, Shiver, Geek Girls' Guide to Cheerleading, and Slept Away!
    As of now, I am coming to your house to raid your bookshelf! (:

  19. Ok, I'm dying to read Shiver and Slept Away. So jealous! Nice haul you've got here.

  20. Yay! What a great week!

  21. A2 you could make boogers look pretty, you've such a nice eye. I have tried to imitate your style with my IMM photos and I ALWAYS fail.

    You've got some great titles there. Can't wait to get hear your thoughts on them. Am really excited you're attending BEA, I will have to live vicariously through you.


  22. You got a lot of fab books for review! =) Happy reading!

  23. Anonymous11:25 PM

    I am so jealous of Shiver! I also got And Then Everything Unraveled this week. I'm really looking forward to reading it! I hope you have a fantabulous time reading all those amazing books!

  24. Lots of books means lots of happy reading.

  25. Looks like your going to have some happy reading! I should be getting Shiver soon, and seeing that you have it is just getting me excited!!

  26. Great week. I am very jealous of Shiver. It looks wonderful.

  27. SHIVER!!!!!!! I am soooooo oooooooo jealous!!!! I am hearing such good things! can't wait for it to come out so I can get it

  28. I love the title for this post, Alea!

    How to Buy a Love of Reading is on my TBR list. I will look for your review to see if it is worth it. :) I wonder which book you'll read first!

  29. Fabulous Alea, just fabulous! Lots of books full of awesome! Happy reading!

  30. Ohhh so many amazing books. Shiver!!! me wants to read that one. I am getting all Smeagal over it. LOL! Demons Lexicon also looks amazing. I have it in my TBR pile and need to read it soon. :)

  31. Fantastic Books! I'm excited about Shiver and The Demon's Lexicon! Happy Reading!

  32. I believe it is time you do some sort of contest, cause you really should get rid of some of those books. :)

    Happy Reading. Jealous does not begin to cover it!

  33. Ooooooh, you got SHIVER! Lucky ducky. ;)

  34. I am excited to read A Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading! You got some awesome books! Happy reading!


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