Friday, June 26, 2009

Lookalikes 55

Eternal by Cynthia Leitich Smith

Arrival by Charlotte McConaghy

Well, I'm not really fond of either of these two but Eternal is done a bit better. I mainly have issues with the title font and treatment of Arrival, it just doesn't look right, it looks like it's laying on top of the image and not incorporated at all with the rest of the cover.

Which is your favorite?

Thanks to Book Chic for suggesting this lookalike!


  1. lol I completely forgot about suggesting this. Wow, I've been on a roll lately, lol.

  2. I prefer the one for Eternal.

    Both remind me of this cover for The Vintner's Luck, although the difference between TVL and these two is greater.

  3. I like that you can tell that the wing is attached to a person on Arrival's cover.

  4. I kinda like both covers but prefer the Eternal cover.

  5. I prefer the Eternal cover.

  6. completely agree. eternal's cover is better even if it's not super awesome.

  7. Meeh. I'm not a fan of either of them. I like the wings idea, but not how it's executed, if that makes sense. Although if I have to pick one, I'd agree with you and go with Eternal.

    - Alex

  8. I prefer the Eternal one as well. I think it's interesting that along with the image, the title fonts/styles are pretty similar.

  9. I like eternal better, but I actually think the upcoming cover for Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush is a better angel cover.

  10. I like Eternal better too :)

  11. I don't really like Arrival's cover. I much prefer Eternal.

  12. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I definitely prefer Eternal.

  13. I like the wing better on Arrival. The one on Eternal looks more like a Vegas showpiece because there's just too much there!

  14. I'm not really into either also...
    but yeah Eternal, if i had to choose.

  15. Eternal is more striking, but I'm not attracted to either.

  16. Probably ETERNAL because the back looks so awkward on the other.

    ETERNAL does look better in person than on the computer screen, but the one wing looks a little off to me. It's just floating in nothing.

  17. I agree! The cover for ETERNAL is really beautiful.


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