So first Sarah talked a bit about growing up in Minnesota and why she decided to set her story here instead of in some exotic location. Then she read one of the funniest scenes from TMI! Sarah is definitely as funny in person as she is in her book! Speaking of which she hinted a bit at a new book she's working on and I can't wait to hear more about it!

So not only did I get my own book signed, I got one for one of you!

Realizing it may be better to resist the temptation to overshare face-to-face, Becca decides to blog anonymously about everything instead. On her blog, Too Much Information, Becca unleashes her alter ego, Bella. Bella tells it like it is . . . though perhaps with a Friends call Becca the Overshare Queen, but her tendency for TMI never seemed like a problem to her until she blabs about her sweet band-geek boyfriend’s sloppy kisses—and gets dumped!bit more drama. After all, no one’s going to read it, right???
Onto the rules!
To win a signed copy of TMI leave a comment sharing one time someone else shared too much information with you. (Sort of the opposite of the book!)
For 1 additional entry post/blog about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you have done so.
The giveaway is open to addresses within the U.S.
Please leave a way for me to contact you if you are the winner!
The giveaway will end July 6th at 11:59 pm Central Time.
Count me in!
ReplyDeleteA recent moment of TMI for me was when a girl I worked with gave me a detailed play by play of her weekend sexcapades with a guy who came to visit her in the copy room at the office. And I was cornered - couldn't get away.
I blogged about this at my site
Given the fact that I have children, the TMI moments are a common event here. a 14yo girl... I said GIRL... who says, "I gotta take a crap" on her way to the bathroom is one such delightful over-share.
ReplyDeletemy email is :-)
Sounds great!
ReplyDeleteThe first thing that came to mind was one day I was in Wal Mart and a girl I had went to high school with standing behind me in line. I hadn't seen her in a few years and she says hi then holds up the bra she was buying and goes on about how big her boobs got when she was pregnant, how now she has a kid, what all her kid does then goes into this big thing about how it's a toss up about who the dad is - yea, I live in one of those towns. Let's just say I've never wanted to get out of line so bad in my life before.
Oh I have been wanting to read this one! Please enter me! mssjos(at)gmail(dot)com!
ReplyDeleteOvershare moment:
Oh geez, it's painful to remember! I bumped in to my mother-in-law at the CVS (or maybe it was Walgreens?) a pharmacy, anyways, she was picking up a prescription and proceeded to tell me what it was for (let's just say the word "intercourse" was used somewhere in the discussion). *shutters at painful memory* I have to go think happy thoughts in an attempt to forever erase this from my memory now...
Enter me please! This sounds sooo good!
ReplyDeleteAs for the tmi moment, my mom had been reading one of those books of hers that has a lot of sex in it. She came into my room and said," There are two check marks on the cover, you know what that means? It means your granny read it before I got it." Ugh, gross! Find a happy place! Find a happy place!
+1 Linked to contest in sidebar:
Sounds like a good time at the signing. Hmmm I thought of a lot of TMI but it's rated X. Uh... something more PG. My Aunt told me that she only got boobs after she started birth control.
The first thing that comes to my mind is the time my boss was telling me lurid details of her affair with our boss... we only had a three people office. Me, her and our boss and I thought it was inappropriate to discuss details of her sleeping with a married man.
Wow! That was a great thing.. I love the sound of this book and I love the cover too :) :)
ReplyDeleteToo much info?! Nah.. nothing like that ever happened to me :) :)
I know too much infor about my Best friends... but then they are the only people you really know :)
uhh!~ Please don't enter me :) I am not eligible :)
ReplyDeleteWe had a bunch of people who work with my husband over for a cook-out. I had never met one woman who was there and she proceeded to tell me that their son told them that his girlfriend was pregnant the night he graduated from high school. She gave me every last detail. I couldn't figure out why she was telling me since I didn't know her or her son. milou2ster(at)
ReplyDeleteThis wasn't told to me directly but I know the guy. He was talking about dating high school girls...and well I should probably end it there. lol
ReplyDeleteThanks for getting one us a signed copy! You're too awesome, Alea. ;)
Once, my mother decided to share all her drunken college journeys with me and my friends, down to what she puked in on the way home.
This is way gross ...
ReplyDeleteOne time, while riding the bus to go to school, I looked over into another car and the driver was holding something in his lap and I couldn't believe it ... he was, erm, doing the one-fisted tango, as it were. Very TMI!
I blogged this!
I would love to be entered!
TMI moment: My boyfriend sharing that there were chocolate covered strawberries and shrimp in the fridge when he went home unannounced one night. He left me a message on my phone telling me that he was going to be hanging out with friends because, when it came to his parents, "you know what that means." It was too much information, but it was really funny at the same time. He sounded really freaked out when I listened to the message. The funniest part was - I was at work and there wasn't anyone to hang out with so he ended up in his room with headphones on. Poor guy. :)
I blogged about this contest as well.
When I was in graduate school a friend and fellow student told me the story of some random sexual encounter she had with a kid who was only 19. I really didn't need to know.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me. BFish(dot)Reads(at)
Many times! one of which a girl I had just met told me in detail about her menstrual cycle. I could have done without that little peice of info! :-D
Enter me please! :)
ReplyDeleteOne TMI moment I had was a while ago on was all my fault because I was standing too close to this American pair. (I was in South America visiting my fam). They assumed I was just another spanish-speaking citizen, I guess. Anyhoo, the guy starts telling the girl about this weird sexual encounter his buddy had. It was so gross and inappropriate! I was pissed and walked away until I suddenly turned around and marched to where the guy was so he could get a piece of my mind. (and in english too, dammit!) Unfortunately, when I got there, they were gone. I was so annoyed!
Lucky you! Sarah Quigley is SO nice :) I loved her book.
ReplyDeleteNo need to enter me :)
It was fun meeting you there and looking through the used books.
ReplyDeleteNo need to enter me in this contest as I already have a signed copy of the book. ;-)
Hi, please add me to the list!
ReplyDeleteLet me think.....
Oh once I slept over my friends house and while I was sleeping she stole my phone and started taking pictures, if you know what I'm saying.
A few months later I go to my email to see my recent sent pictures and there the are! Imagine, full size! Yeah, it's pretty gross. Then when I look at who she sent the pictures to, it was to a 17 year old! I was 14 at the time and so was she!
Full size, blown up. You see how I am STILL suffering? That was three years ago!
If I use Twitter to spread the word does that count for another entry?
Oh my e-mail is AND Twitter is
ReplyDeleteWhen a coworker let me know that our superior hadn't ever been to see an OB/GYN. TMI!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me! thanks!
I seem to have a lot of TMI moments....
ReplyDeleteOf course they all involve my friend's stories of their recent sexcapades ... oh and they always take place while I am eating >_<
lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com
I posted this on my sidebar:
lovejessicamarie [@] gmail [.] com
That would be when a drunk friend shared that he didn't make it to the bathroom in time... You get the rest.. lol..
I used to have a roommate that was incredibly loud (in bed) when she had her boyfriend over. After their fun, she always divulged a ridiculous amount of details. Glad that living situation is over with... and I don't even consider myself a modest person!
ReplyDeleteoheeyore at hotmail dot com
I spent many years working my way through college and earning extra money out of college as a bartender and cocktail waitress. Let me tell you, EVERYONE shared too much with me. One of the craziest was this girl named Kat who told me in detail of her life working in a "sex circus." It was some sort of weird fetishy kind of thing and I was stunned that she even shared! Let me tell you, I was blushing like crazy! I don't know if she was trying to shock me or what. I have often heard some deep secrets from fellow passengers on planes. I often wonder why on earth these people choose me!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great giveaway!
I blogged about your giveaway too:
Of course everyone has TMI moments. The worse ones I get all the time are from my mother and step father talking about stuff NO ONE needs to hear!
ReplyDeleteMy email is
What a fun giveaway and all this Minnesota talk... I am a Minnesotan! :)
ReplyDeleteSharing too much? I have a friend who's husband had a serious surgery. When you would visit she would in great detail tell everything the doctor had done to him as well as show pictures. Yes. Pictures. I threatened to never visit again. :)
I have a friend who tells me all of her other friends sexual exploits. Including stds. Ewwww.
One time an older woman told me about how a monkey once almost tore off her bathing suit. 0.0 That was awkward.
ReplyDeleteparadoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
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ReplyDeleteEnter me(:
ReplyDeleteOne of my friends is always telling me about the sex her and her boyfriend have. Haha. Most of the time its really werid to have her tell me some of the details and how long it lasted.
I added a link on my sidebar.
I Twittered about it.
anotherpageisused- Sorry the contest ended Monday! I do have 2 other contests going on right now though!