Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback 37

Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Paperback 1

Paperback 2 I just checked Amazon and it looks like this might have been an earlier discarded cover. Look below for the real one...


Sparkling white snowdrifts, beautiful presents wrapped in ribbons, and multicolored lights glittering in the night through the falling snow. A Christmas Eve snowstorm transforms one small town into a romantic haven, the kind you see only in movies. Well, kinda. After all, a cold and wet hike from a stranded train through the middle of nowhere would not normally end with a delicious kiss from a charming stranger. And no one would think that a trip to the Waffle House through four feet of snow would lead to love with an old friend. Or that the way back to true love begins with a painfully early morning shift at Starbucks. Thanks to three of todays bestselling teen authorsJohn Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myraclethe magic of the holidays shines on these hilarious and charming interconnected tales of love, romance, and breathtaking kisses.

The second Paperback is horrible just horrible. It looks like Target wrapping paper and this is the only time that I have ever referred to something Target related as horrible. It's just so BLAND! The original paperback is too cute and should not have been messed with. Case closed.

Which is your favorite?

UPDATE: 7/15/09:

Real Paperback 2

I didn't think it was possible but I like this even less than the discarded one I think. They should have just kept with the original paperback cover. I'm sure there is a reason they did it but I'm not feeling it. :/


  1. 1000000% agreed! I really, really hate the font on the second paperback, too.

  2. Anonymous6:44 AM

    would have to agree with you there. The first book looks like something fun I'd like to read, inviting and friendly. The second cover I would pass right by without looking at long enough to catch the title, even.

  3. I love the second paperback. I'll make you feel warm in a winter day.

  4. Wow, that second one is horrendous!

  5. Paperback 2 is just plain awful. I'd never pick that up to look at the book with that cover.

  6. I much prefer the first one. The second one looks like cotton candy threw up all over it.

  7. I totally agree with you!


  8. Are they reissuing this book with the second cover? I'm so much more a fan of the first. The second looks tacky, but the first is simple, yet clear and stunning.

  9. Steph Su-

    I think it's a mass market paperback edition so a lot smaller and cheaper!

  10. I totally agree with you. I love the first cover (so glad I bought it when it was first released! lol). The second cover looks horrible. No one in their right mind would pick it up unless they know who the authors are already and want to read more from them.

  11. Couldn't agree with you more. The second paperback is just awful! D:

  12. Definitely the first one! It's more eye catching and something I'm more likely to pick up.

  13. I like the top one. The bottom looks cheap, not Target maybe Dollar Store.

  14. Wow, what were they thinking with the paperback cover? I agree that the hardcover is much prettier!

  15. Paperback 1 no question! Ick on the bottom one.

  16. The second is cute but too simple and just....no. Definitely the first, it's so pretty and wintery.

  17. The second cover looks like cheap wrapping paper that a little child scribbled on.

  18. Ew, I do NOT like the new cover. The original cover was so perfect! I don't like the change.

  19. I agree with you- only I don't like the font used for the authors in the first cover and it is a bit off center looking (or maybe i'm just OCD)

  20. I totally agree with you.

  21. Paperback 1 for sure! I don't like the second one ... at all.

  22. Absolutely, completely agree with you! Paperback 1 should not have been messed with-it's awesome.

  23. I love the first paperback.

    I have great dislike for the second one, but then again I have great dislike for mass market paperbacks in general.

  24. Paperback 1 is my favorite :)

  25. I totally agree with you. Number one is much better. It captures the feel of the story. The second is just plain lame. I would not dream of picking it up.

  26. Number 1 is a clear and standout winner. How could anyone disagree???

  27. I agree with you... thoroughly lol. I'm glad I own the first one. x)

  28. I must be alone in my actually kind of liking the second one.

  29. Megan- Hehe, I was starting to feel bad for the poor cover that no one liked it so I'm glad you do!

  30. I don't hate the paperback - but when compared to the hardcover I can't see how anyone would pick up the paperback cover over the hardcover.

  31. Definitely the first one! It is like presenting the book as a present to me to open and read!

  32. Cover two makes me want to barf on it. No joke. I see it in the stores I am totally gagging.

  33. Cover 2 looks like a cheesy Hallmark movie poster.

  34. God! I have no idea, how I got unsubscribed to your blog.. And I was thinking that you were not updating at ALL!

    SORRY~! I have missed out on a LOT of posts ... DARN!

    ok first gets my post :)


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