Saturday, July 25, 2009

This Week In Books Or When I'm Away the Books Will Play-inside of my mailbox!

Monday: nothing


The Locust and the Bird by Hanan Al-Shaykh
Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah
Stealing Heaven by Elizabeth Scott
Dark Cindy by M. Apostolina

These are from the library book store. I was really excited to find two straight from my Amazon wishlist!

Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner
Mercury in Retrograde by Paula Froelich

These came for review.


The Magicians by Lev Grossman

This came from a blogging pal, you know who you are thank you! I also got a package of goodies from Michelle Zink. At first I was going to take a picture for this post but since I'll be giving some of it away in a giveaway I thought I wouldn't spoil the surprise!


Rosie and Skate by Beth Ann Bauman

This came for review, I'm really excited because this was a past WOW post!


The Year of Living Biblically by A.J. Jacobs
I Did (But I Wouldn't Now) by Cara Lockwood

These two were from bookmooch. The Cara Lockwood book for Galleysmith's I Dare You Challenge for me!

Demon Chick by Marilyn Kaye
The Sweetheart of Prosper County by Jill S. Alexander

These are from Amazon Vine!

Give Up the Ghost by Megan Crewe

For an upcoming Traveling to Teens tour!

Benny and Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti
Bad Apple by Laura Ruby
Boyology by Sarah O'Leary Burningham

For review!

That's definitely a record for most packages in the mail in one day for me. And I didn't even see them all until today, Saturday!


Eighth Grade Bites by Heather Brewer
The Boy Book by E. Lockhart
Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas

I got these from Amazon. The strange thing though, is they shipped from another part of the country yesterday. And this was free shipping, I have no idea how they moved so quickly in one day!

Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman

Ghost in the Machine by Patrick Carman

These were a surprise for review! I've always been interested in the interactive format of these so I'm excited to check them out!


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I'm so jealous! You have to let me know how The Year of Living Biblically is!

  2. Wow-great week! Sometimes I luck out on shipping from Amazon and it arrives super fast.

    Skeleton Creek has been a great booktalk book for my middle school visits. The online format that goes along with the books appeals to fans of scary movies and I always tell them they can get away with watching videos online because it's part of reading the book-they love that! I'm interested to see what you think.

  3. Wow you got a lot of books this week, Skeleton Creek is awesome. You're so lucky to get The Ghost in the Machine. Enjoy.

  4. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I really want to read Bad Apple. Eighth Grade Bites is pretty good. Enjoy!

  5. Skeleton Creek was so original! I adored it and can't wait for the next one... Looking forward to hear your thoughts :)

  6. Wow, what a week - I'm definitely a little envious of a few of them, like Skeleton Creek and The Magicians.

  7. Don't you ever feel overwhelmed with the weekly load. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed just reading the posts.

    Happy reading.

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Nice books! I want to know your thoughts on The Year of Living Biblically too.

  9. Oh! I've heard that the Magicians is so good! And I really liked Skeleton Creek - I haven't gotten my hands on a copy of Ghost Machine yet though!

  10. I am interested in hearing what you think of Randa Abdel-Fattah's novel. Great haul shown with Alea artistic flair!

  11. Look at the books, you got such a great week. I love Stealing Heaven in paperback, and Bad Apple seems good too. Can't wait for the reviews.

  12. You get plenty of books every week without fail. xD Happy reading Alea!

  13. Another Great Week! I look forward to reading your reviews! Happy Reading!

  14. YOu have some really good ones. Skeleton Creek is on my MP3 player, I bet you get to it before me.

  15. You got fun books this week! Really they all have awesome covers and sound so exciting!

    Happy reading!

  16. Great books this week! I rarely find anything in my library bookstore (at school). Let us know what you think of Bad Apple!

  17. Yowza...nice haul! Enjoy :o)

  18. Just how big IS your mailbox? ;) Enjoy!

  19. You got a lot this week! Happy reading :)


  20. don't you love when you come back and there is a mailbox full of books waiting for you? Happy reading


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