So... usually I like to giveaways of books I've read and that was the plan here as well but I was planning it for the summer and it's SO NOT the summer anymore. I thought what better time to host this awesome giveaway than during Book Blogger Appreciation Week! So here we are!

How to enter to win one of two paperback sets of the Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray!
Leave a comment letting me know what you like(d) most about Book Blogger Appreciation Week, if you don't know what BBAW is click the link and join in the fun!
For 1 additional entry blog (sidebar is fine) or tweet (@reply me @mint910) about this contest and leave a separate comment here linking to your post or tweet (only one entry total).
The giveaway is open to addresses within the U.S.
Two winners will receive a paperback set of the trilogy.
Please leave a way for me to contact you if you are the winner!
The giveaway will end September 28th at 11:59 pm Central Time.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love discovering all the blogs I didn't know existed lol.
ReplyDeletetweeted @thebookcellarx :)
:) Erica
What I like best is finding all the new blogs I didnt know about before.
ReplyDeleteI posted on the sidebar here: http://donnasbloghome.blogspot.com/
bacchus76 at myself dot com
the best thing is finding all kinds of great new book blogs
Everyone seemed to like learning about all the new blogs, but I'm not gonna lie, I loved all the book contests!
ReplyDeleteMy shelf has been looking rather bare lately, and I liked all the opportunities everywhere to win lots and lots of books!
I love all the blogs and the contests
ReplyDeleteforgot to leave a way to contact me
Oooh, I've been wanting to read this series, please enter me!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about BBAW is finding so many great new-to-me blogs, it is just so much fun!
thetometraveller (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have really been wanting to read these books! So far, the best thing about BBAW has been reading about all the blogs I don't know about and also receiving a lot of blogger love since I wasn't shortlisted.
ReplyDeletemeghankk at gmail dot com
I like BBAW because of all the new blogs I finding
ReplyDeleteI retweeted (@cait045) and tweeted mint910
I love discovering new book blogs to read and be inspired by!
What I like most is meeting new authors and books I want to get to know better.
deidre_durance at hotmail dot com
I love discovering all the new book blogs that I had no idea were out there. It's great to find more people and awesome contests.
ReplyDeleteTweeted. @GardenofEdee
edeneliff @ gmail.com
The best thing about BBAW is learning about all of the new blogs. For some reason I've mostly been looking at cooking blogs but now I have a ton of new book blogs to read-yay!
ReplyDeletestephaniefleischer889 [at] gmail [dot] com
I have to agree. Discovering new blogs is so great. I'm finding a lot with such similar tastes to my own...my tbr list is seriously bulging =) And my Google Feeder is so past 1000+...I think I broke it with all the blogs I'm subscribing to and following *sigh*
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Alea!
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
I also posted a link to this fantastic giveaway on my sidebar http://creativitygone.blogspot.com
mishtakes AT gmail DOT com
Great contest! This is my first BBAW....what I like most thus far is the fact that you get to share other book blogs you frequent and find ones you've never seen. There are so many really great ones out there!
ReplyDeleteRetweeting! (http://twitter.com/GRgenius/status/4004728343)
Posting on contest sidebar as well (http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com)
discovering new blogs that I have not heard of is definitely the best part of BBAW and also the contests
ReplyDeleteSo far I've enjoyed seeing which blogs the nominees enjoy. I've found some great new blogs to follow. :)
ReplyDelete+1 - Tweeted
And I'm putting it on my sidebar too, because I can! :)
I love finding all the new blogs I haven't heard of yet.
ReplyDeletejpetroroy (at) gmail (dot) com
I also like finding blogs I've never read from but also the giveaways! :)
Please count me in. Thanks for the chance. The best part about BBAW is finding all the blogs! And the fact that the bloggers are recognized for all the time they put in!
ReplyDeletelizzi0915 at aol dot com
My favorite thing about BBAW is discovering new blogs!!
ReplyDeletewendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com
The best thing about BBAW is finding new blogs with new reviews! I'm a librarian and reading blogs is such a fun way to keep up with YA lit.
awesome contest! Please enter me (I love The Gemma Doyle trilogy). :)
ReplyDeleteBest thing about BBAW would have to be all the new blogs that you get introduced to; and all the new books that can be found while reading said blogs. :)
hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
Oh I hope I win this! What a super giveaway. Absolutely the best thing is discovering that there are about a zillion really great blogs out there that I was totally ignorant of. That really is what it's all about.
ReplyDeleteThe connections made from the interviews and other daily memes are gateways into meeting new people. And new people and new blogs = new reviews and new books!
BFish (dot) Reads (at) gmail.com
Here's my tweet link: http://twitter.com/BethFishReads/statuses/4010973032
ReplyDeleteWhat I like most about BBAW are the book blogger interviews, I like discovering more about the people behind the blogs, why they write, what inspired them, etc.
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway!
emily DOT wittenberg @ gmail DOT com
So far, my favorite part of BBAW has been discovering new blog sites. I really had no idea how many there are. It is fun to see what other people are doing.
I would like to be entered!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about BBAW is the sense of community - hanging out with other bloggers online.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
What I love most about BBAW is finding SO MANY new blogs - through interviews (even though I totally flubbed it and didn't sign up) or links or other fun things!
I love all the contests & discovering new blogs(:
So far, what I've enjoyed most is finding even more blogs that I like to read! And of course, the fun giveaways. Thanks for a great giveaway right here!
Finding new blogs!
ReplyDeletePlease enter me. Thanks.
I am now a new follower.
I'm so enjoying the introductions to so many fabulous blogs! I've added quite a few new ones to my google reader already and it's only Tuesday!
ReplyDeletemelacan at hotmail dot com
The best thing is seeing new blogs. I love discovering new blogs and reading about them
ReplyDeletePlease count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I tweeted.@iheartbookgossip
ReplyDeletecindyc725 at gmail dot com
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about BBAW is discovering new blogs and being able to celebrate all the effort that book bloggers put in to review books, interview authors, etc.
I have my fingers crossed for this one! I borrowed these from the library but love them so much I definitely want o re-read.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about BBAW is all the new blogs I've discovered. My googlereader is out of control!
The best thing about BBAW is all the awesome contests :) and all the great blogs I never knew about :D
I'm loving finding new book blogs I've never seen before, reading about new books and really loving the contests. Thanks for the giveaway.
ReplyDeletes.mickelson at gmail dot com
I Tweeted
I enjoy finding new book blogs as well. Contests are fun too. :)
The best thing about BBAW is getting introduced to a bunch of bloggers I may not have ever found otherwise.
ReplyDelete+1 added to sidebar
I love finding all these great book blogs
ReplyDeletethrouthehaze at gmail dot com
the best thing about BBAW is learing about other book blogs and the giveaways. I love me some free books.
Also tweeted
The best thing about BBAW is finding new blogs to read.
I loved learning about all the blogs out there. Holy cow ther are so many I have never heard about
Count me in, I'd love to get my hands on this one!
ReplyDeleteMy most favorite part about BBAW is that you get to discover new blog that you don't know about. I love it when the blog turns out awesome!
Thanks for this great giveaway!
One of the benefits of BBAW is finding new blogs and finding out the bloggers behind them.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in the drawing.
Please don't count me in but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love these books! They're my favourite YA historical romance fiction. :) May the lucky winner enjoy it as much as I did.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about BBAW is all the new blogs I've come across, and it isn't even over yet!
I liked finding so many new blogs to add to my Google Reader!
The best thing is BOOKS!New ones nd old ones ive read nd loved:))
(please let meh win!)
My favorite part is finding new blogs.
ReplyDeleteSara M
silentalibis AT yahoo DOT com
The best thing about BBAW is finding so many awesome blogs, and reading their blog memes xD
I've been blogging for over 2 years, and I didn't realize just how many wonderful book blogs were out there. That is the best part of the week!
ReplyDeleteJust discovering all these book blogs I never knew existed is the big plus of BBAW, This is my first year of discovery and I'm so thrilled to be discoveing something new every day!
ReplyDeleteespressogurl at hotmail dot com
I would LOVE to win this!!
ReplyDeleteThankyou!! :D:D:D
The best thing I like about it is all of the new books i find.
If I'm being honest I have to say my favorite part is all the giveaways. Even if I don't win they are fun to enter and it's fun to read about all the books.
I blogged about this here:
What a great giveaway - I've actually read A Great and Terrible Beauty, but I'm itching to get the rest of the series. The best part of BBAW for me was the Monday "shortlist" lovefest - I had a great time sharing my love for some of my favorites, getting some love back, and getting recommendations for so many great new blogs to read, too. And I have to say, all the giveaways are a definite perk, too! =)
toadacious1 at yahoo dot com
The best thing about BBAW is finding new book blogs and giveaways.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thanks for this great giveaway!
ReplyDeletemy fav thing about BBAW is discovering new blogs..and learning more about my favs
ReplyDeletebookblather AT gmail DOT com
Besides all the cool giveaways it is fun to find out about some new blogs. I have bookmarked a large number of them to go back to later. Thanks for the contest!
Finding new blogs! I have added quite a few to my Google Reader.
what i liked most was the diverse group of people and new interesting blogs i discovered minsthins at optonline dot net
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about BBAW is getting to find out more blog's that I had no clue even existed before.
The best thing about BBAW is discovering new blogs to follow.
I loved the sense of community and how everybody really bonded with one another in the book blogging world thanks to the BBAW, I hope it'll be permanent and will last at least until next BBAW.
ah! i've been wanting this series forever!
ReplyDeleteand i posted this on my blog: http://haleymathiot.blogspot.com/2009/09/saturdays-giveaways.html
ReplyDeletehaleymathiot @yahoo.com
I'd love to read this series!
ReplyDeleteI love learning about more book blogs! And of course the giveaways are cool, too... :)
janemaritz at yahoo dot com
The best thing about BBAW is learning about and being exposed to some new blogs I haven't heard about before, and new opinions that seem so much smarter than mine, lol.
The best thing about BBAW is learning about some wonderful new books and authors and meeting others who are as fanatical about a good book as much as I am.
ReplyDeleteThe best thing for me was all the new books(and old) that I didn't know about yet AND all the other Blogs I hadn't discovered yet... weeshenanigans (at) gmail (dot) com
ReplyDeleteI liked BBAW to see all of the cool new blogs there are
A Blog with Bite!
I added your link in my sidebar under contests!
A Blog with Bite!
This looks like a wonderful trilogy - thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI loved finding so many new (to me) book blogs during BBAW - though my Google Reader may never recover!
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
I blogged about your giveaway here:
Thanks again!
nnjmom at yahoo dot com
Hi! I'm fascinated and stressed out because I've discovered so many blogs that I would really like to keep track of but I don't always have as much time to read blogs (or books for that matter) as I would like!
ReplyDeletemy email is adbcoz (at) gmail (dot) com . thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway, I've been wanting to read these! Thanks for the chance :-)
The best thing about BBAW was learning about all the sites that are out there that I didn't know existed.
I loved having a chance to read all the reviews for books, and seeing the different ways different bloggers felt about the same book, sometimes the opinions vary SO much!
ReplyDeletethank you for the giveaway too, those looks delicious!
Definitely discovering new blog!
ReplyDeleteI loved seeing a lot of different books out there & different people's introspect on them.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway >^..^<
bloggyig at gmail dot com
I like most of BBAW is finding new blogs - I'm a big fan of finding new blogs to explore- and also the giveaways - who doesn't like that?
I like the idea of winning a book in a different genre (like this one) that I wouldn't normally buy. I think it will open my eyes to new books to read! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'll be greedy and admit I loved the contests. ;)
ReplyDeletethefatesarevicious at yahoo dot com
I really didn't even know how many book bloggers there were until this! It's cool though, because I'm always looking for something new to read. Hmm...maybe i should be a book blogger? I already do reviews for Thomas Nelson, but that's not much. Have any suggestions of how I could get started?
ReplyDeleteOh, and I'd love to win those books. =)
thesweetestpetunia [at] gmail [dot] com
What I liked most about BBAW was the chance to visit so many new blogs.
ReplyDeleteThanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
BBAW week has been fun for me. I have discovered lots of books that I never would have heard of. My TBR is list is growing.
ReplyDeletePlease enter me in this giveaway...
So far I have known a lot more dedicated book bloggers through which I know a lot more nice and wonderful books and authors. It's nice to have these bloggers around.
ReplyDeletelinna.hsu at gmail dot com
I would love to win these books! The best thing about BBAW was getting to read all the great and special posts people were doing.
+1 Tweeted: http://twitter.com/utah91960/status/4388327114
The best thing about BBAW is discovering new and wonderful blogs. This is an amazing community of cool people!
ReplyDeleteWonderful giveaway! Thank you!
I tweeted your giveaway - http://twitter.com/Amestir/status/4401156923
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletePlease count me in! My email's in my profile.
ReplyDeleteWhat I liked best about BBAW was getting introduced to so many cool new blogs that I probably wouldn't have found otherwise. Networking is fun!
I've posted this in my sidebar and I'll be mentioning it in my Sunday contest slurry tonight.
I have enjoyed learning about new blogs (new to me at least) and I have added tons of books to my wish list. You guessed it, the Gemma Doyle trilogy is on my wish list and I would love to win it. Thanks!
I like finding finding the book blogs I've never heard of before. It's totally awesome finding blogs I've never seen before.
I liked being able to see some new blogs. That's always exciting. Giveaways are great too...plus, you can find some new books too.
I love finding out interesting little tidbits about bloggers I already follower and learning about ones I didn't but want to follow.
+ posted on my sidebar
the best thing about bbaw that i like is finding about new book clogs that i never knew existed, so many blogs that are great and i look forward to subscribing to.
ReplyDeleteAshley R.
I loved discovering new blogs! :)
It ends today!
ReplyDeleteThe best thing about BBAW is that all bloggers come together for one event. I love being part odf such an amazing comminity!
The best thing about BBAW is finding new blogs!
ReplyDeleteparadoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
I linked on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ParadoxRevealed/status/4461555360
ReplyDeleteparadoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com