Friday, September 18, 2009

Lookalikes 67

Thanks to Brooke Taylor for suggesting this lookalike!

I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone by Stephanie Kuehnert

Gangs and Girls by Michel Dorais and Patrice Corriveau

Definitely Joey Ramone. You can see a lot more of the picture in Joey Ramone and maybe this is just the picture but the cover of Gangs and Girls does not have the contrast that Joey Ramone has. Also I don't really like how the type was just set on top of the photo in Gangs and Girls.

Which do you prefer?

Have you spotted a Lookalike you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. Definitely Joey Ramone! The picture looked clearer, and I agree, the colors are great. Gangs and Girls looked like something I could do!

  2. I definitely like Joey Ramone more because of the clarity of the photo.

  3. Definitely the Joey Ramone cover. But the picture goes good with the title of Gangs and Girls I think, but put all together just looks strange.

  4. Joey Ramone is so much better.

  5. Joey Ramone, of course. Because of the whole composition of the cover.

  6. Joey Ramone for sure. That picture surely does a great job of creating a wild rebellious image hey?

  7. Joey Ramone, definitely. Plus, the other one sounds like (and probably is?) a textbook.

  8. Joey Ramone, but I don't really like the photo. There is something about that hand that bothers me!

  9. Def Joey Ramone, it's full of color and very clear =) these post are always really interesting! Thanks for posting!

  10. Wow... :) Joey Ramone. :)

  11. Definitely IWBYJR. The other is so washed out and not vibrant enough.

    When I first saw this on my feed, I thought it was going to be As Simple as Snow and IWBYJR, because the pictures on those sort of remind me of each other.

  12. Definately Joey Ramone! The colors with Joey Ramone just brighten up the picture so much and it's so much clearer.

  13. Oh, Joey Ramone all the way!

  14. HA! OMG I can't believe my book has the same cover as a book abt teenage prostitution. Glad you all like my cover better though!

  15. Continually amazed at how the same stock photos get used over and over. Guess exclusive rights are too expensive for most publishers?

  16. Oh yes, Joey Ramone for sure. But it also probably speaks to the story--there's some brightness there, whereas in the other book, washed out grays may be what they're going for.

  17. Joey Ramone is my vote. I love how the guitar picks personalize it and give the cover a pop of bright colors.

  18. This totally looks like I used to dress as a teenager in the '90's. So I love them both!


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