Saturday, January 09, 2010

This Week In Books Or The Crafting Takeover Continues...


Woods Runner by Gary Paulsen

For review.


Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder

Incarceron Sharon sent back, she had borrowed it and Poison Study I mooched from her!


Nine Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake by Sarah MacLean

They Never Came Back by Caroline B. Cooney
The Less Dead by April Lurie

Nine Rules... I lost it when that showed up. Already reading it. All three of these are for review.

Thursday: nothing


Ace of Cakes: Inside the World of Charm City Cakes by Duff Goldman & Willie Goldman
Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray

Handmade Nation by Faythe Levine & Cortney Heimerl

The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

Amazon Order!


All issues of Craft Zine
Crafty Superstar by Grace Dobush

I hadn't realized Craft Zine had stopped their print issues about a year ago (I just realized like a month ago) so I bought up every issue, I've always been interested in them but never left the store with a copy. I got Crafty Superstar at Borders.

Also there is my embroidery from Thursday in a frame (it isn't ironed but gives an idea of what I'm thinking).

And here is the Glee key chain I also got at Borders. They have several Glee related pieces of merchandise, pins, shirts magnets etc! Gail, notice the packaging.... ;)


  1. Glee merchandise! WHAT. I had no idea they were putting out stuff. :D

    Also, so jealous about the Ace of Cakes book! Is that the same book they had an episode on? Is it just pictures or is there history/memoir stuff, too?

  2. squee the new Sarah MacLean book... I'm so jealous of everyone who got it this week.

  3. Anastasia-

    I haven't seen the episode yet but I believe so. Basically it's like a giant scrapbook with like tons of stories of how people know each other etc so definitely not all pictures!

  4. You are quite the craft queen these days. Your embroidery looks great framed. The Ace of Cakes book looks like lots of fun.

  5. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Everyone around me seems be GLEE addicts, and I've never seen it. I suppose I'll have to check it out just to keep up with the conversations. I did pick up the soundtracks at the library today, so maybe I'll get into it. I suppose they have it on Fancast, too?

    I know you'll really love the Ace of Cakes book :-) I caught a new episode on the TV the other day. They made the bobble-head baseball player cake for the kids bar mitzvah.

    Such a great book loot!

  6. Craft takeover no kidding!

    I hope you enjoy Poison Study, it's one of the top 5 books I read in 2009.

  7. I want the Ace of Cakes book SO BAD!!!!

    And the Glee stuff from Borders! D:

  8. Ahhh the Glee keychain is co cool! :]

  9. I am so jealous of the books you get!!
    and Glee is wicked!

  10. Oooo, I wanna read Nine Rules... soo badly. It looks really good- may need to buy it, lol.

    I got The Less Dead (SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!) and They Never Came Back too. :)

  11. Great books you got this week, they all look really interesting. Especially the ace of cakes book. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  12. Awesome books! Nine Rules to Break When Romancing A Rake looks so good! I can't wait to see your review of it. And yay for the glee key chain! :)

  13. Anonymous8:43 PM

    You will love Poison Study! Happy reading. :)

  14. Great books you got :D

    I especially want to read Incarceron!

  15. Nine Rules-so want! And I have Poison Study on my shelf to read-hopefully soon. And I love the Glee keychain-I'll have to head back to Borders (so terribe I know) to look for one.

  16. Great books this week! =) I haven't been to Borders in ages, hmm, wonder if the Borders here sell anything Glee related. *fingers crossed*

  17. Great books this week!!! and guess what?? us Brits get Glee tomorrow, you do not even understand how exciting this is for me!!!

  18. LovesSam- So it's like our Fall for you right now? That's funny, all the new shows are starting! Enjoy Glee!

  19. These look great! I am especially interested in The Elegance of the Hedgehog and the Gary Paulsen book. Enjoy!

    My post is here: When the Apocalypse Comes Nobody's Going to Be Punctuating

  20. Great haul! I really want that Ace of Cakes books too. Review it and hook with Weekend Cooking.

  21. Great books as always Alea!

    Here's what I got this week:

    Take care! :D

  22. Ooh! Lots of good ones here. I recently got Poison Study too. I want that Ace of Cakes book :)

  23. Wow, I got one and you got a ton! Love Ace of Cakes. :)
    Alayne - The Crowded Leaf.

  24. You and your craftiness! It's totally awesome :)

    I'm super jealous that you have Incarceron in your hands. I've been coveting it for awhile now. Though it releases next week so I don't have too much longer to wait at this point :)



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