Thursday, January 07, 2010

Weekly Dose of Felties! Crafts!

This is what I refer to as "The Cat Bag" I made it for my sister from a pattern in Embroidery for Little Miss Crafty. If you saw the version in the book you would hardly be able to compare the two. I didn't realize the pattern wasn't to size until it was too late. Basically the embroidery is supposed to be like 1/3 that large... regardless my sister has been using it to hold her ipod and headphones. Notice the edges have begun to fray, oops.

This is Retro Alien from Felties. I made it for some friends that also have an appreciation for felt.

This is an Ice Cream Sandwich from The Softies Kit. The kit helped me make the big one and because everything is cuter smaller I made a baby one! I thought google eyes would be fitting for these.

Here's more of a side view so you could see the ice cream.

Here is some embroidery based on one of my drawings. Not sure what to do with it now, put it in a frame or something? Any ideas? It seems most embroidery is framed in hoops is that true?

Here is the Panda from Felties. I've made 12/18 patterns in the book so far!

And I've decided I want to take on crochet (taking a class in February) so hopefully someday I can make these.


  1. They look great ! Google eyes were a great idea. And the crochet ones look good too, I can't wait to see yours. ;)

  2. I love them! You could make the embroidery into a pillow, if you don't want to frame it.

  3. Aww!! I love the ice cream sandwich & the panda! The alien too! So awesome, I might have to try these myself, although I am really bad at any sort of stitching haha

  4. my goodness that panda is so adorable!

  5. Bermudaonion- For some reason I'm not so into usable pieces (besides like simple bags and stuff) so I want to use it as a piece of art but I'm unsure of the proper way to frame or display embroidery hehe!

  6. I love the panda!

    Well, you usually make embroidery in a hoop, but most of the embroidery I've seen are in rectangular frames.

    You want the fabric pulled tight, and you might want to use a mat to hold it away from the glass (if you use a frame with glass - you don't need to with embroidery).

  7. They look so cute!

    The only crafting I do is friendship bracelets.

  8. Ohhh felties!!!

    And YAY to the crochet course, i'm sure it will be loads of fun. I have a big aversion to the hoop things for embroidery, they are so old fashion and everyone uses them. maybe stretch it tight and tack it into a frame, I love the black ones, which are chunky.

    You should check out this blog, they do some awesome arty stuff which you'd love

  9. I adore felties! They're so cute. Haha, the ice cream sandwich one looks yummy...

  10. OMG! That ice cream sandwich. WAY TOO CUTE!

  11. Alea!

    I'm SO glad I finally got to visit your blog! These are SO adorable! Your artwork is gorgeous! You'll have a new follower and I'll be sure to stop by more often! Feel free to stop by and see me as well!

    x0xx Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

  12. Oh! I love Felties....:)
    You can frame embroidery any way you want. I have plenty of framed pieces, put on pillows is fun...if small enough, I like to do Christmas ornaments.

  13. I think you should sew your portrait onto a t-shirt and wear it to BEA!!

  14. I'd stay with the fine art idea and either frame them or something like that. You can stretch them over canvas board, or heck, stretch them over a frame like canvas--that could be done easy enough. Good ideas, and I like your blog and artwork.

    There's a woman that does similar fine art that was in the magazine Juxtapoz not long back iirc. I'll send a link if I can find the artist's name.

  15. The name of the artist I was thinking of is Megan Whitmarsh. Here's a link to the gallery that represents her artwork, with a small bio and representations of her art:

    And you can google her as well ;)

  16. Thanks for the links LovesSam and El Vox those are definitely right up my alley! I've been meaning to subscribe to Juxtapoz for years should do that!

    And thanks for the ideas of how to frame!

  17. I love these!!! You can frame embroidery in a regular frame or make it into something.

  18. Anonymous7:56 PM

    These are all absolutely ADORABLE <3

  19. Those are adorable! You are so talented!

    The embroidery would be lovely framed!

  20. How cute is the ice cream sandwich! LOL


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