Friday, July 23, 2010

Lookalikes 111

The Declaration by Gemma Malley

Boy Proof by Cecil Castellucci

I can't say I really like either of these but I prefer Boy Proof because it's so much simpler. The Declaration has too much going on and just looking at that picture makes my neck hurt, thinking about that girl permanently stuck in that position :P I've never liked the eyebrows in Boy Proof though.

Thanks to Sandy who noticed this lookalike!

Have you spotted a Lookalike you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. Yeah, neither one of them does much for me either.

  2. Like you and bermudaonion, I don't particularly like either. My first thought when I saw the top image was that it looked like an egg.

  3. I think both of these are a little creepy and the eyebrows in Boy Proof are UGLY!


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