Your Friendly Neighborhood Book DragonIf you end up doing it let me know. I'll love to see your answers
Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror? Fantasy, is that what Harry Potter would fit under?
Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback? Trade Paperback, hardcovers are alright just hard to hold for long periods of time. Pretty much hate Mass Market paperbacks.
Amazon or Brick and Mortar? Amazon for expensive design books, Brick and Mortar for used books and books I really want right now with a coupon of course!
Barnes & Noble or Borders? Borders! Love the Borders Rewards program
Hitchhiker or Discworld? Not following this question
Bookmark or Dogear? Bookmark always
Alphabetize by author, Alphabetize by title, or random? Right now, by genre
Keep, Throw Away or Sell? Keep it unless I hate the book, usually something I was forced to buy for school, I sell those
Keep dust-jacket or toss it? Keep
Read with dustjacket or remove it? Remove it
Short story or novel? I started off on novels but I definitely like short stories as well
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket? Harry Potter, Lemony Snicket is great though too
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks? Half and half, depending
"It was a dark and stormy night" or "Once upon a time?" Once upon a time
Buy or Borrow? Both depending on how much I want the book, what type of book it is, if I can borrow it or not
Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse? Browse
Lewis or Tolkien? Lewis, I rather don't like anything having to do with the Lord of the Rings
Collection (short stories by the same author) or Anthology (short stories by different authors)? Both, I own more anthologies though
Tidy ending or Cliffhanger? Two tidy endings for every cliffhanger
Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading?Mostly nighttime, sometimes afternoon, and when I'm really hardcore, morning as well
Standalone or Series? Both, probably read more standalone though
New or used? Either as long as there isn't too much water damage or strange sticky substances
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard? Kissing in Manhattan by David Schickler
Top 5 favorite genre books of all time? Genre books? My favorite book is the Great Gatsby, also like The Namesake, The Tipping Point, lots of stuff
Favorite genre series? Genre series? I guess my favorite series would be Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Harry Potter, and Megan McCafferty's books
Currently Reading? Prep by Curtis Sittenfeld and No One Belongs Here More Than You by Miranda July