Friday, September 26, 2008

I HEART your blog!!

The Story Siren, The Boston Bibliophile, and S. Krishna's Books were all so kind to give me this very sweet award! I love you guys! Here's me nominating you right back! 

EDIT: Thanks also goes to Planet Books who also nominated me! Thank you! *waves*

EDIT 10/4/08: Thanks also goes to The Chick Manifesto for sharing the love! Love you guys!

1) Add the logo of the award to your blog 

2) Add a link to the person who awarded it to you 

3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs 

4) Add links to those blogs on your blog 

5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs! 

So let's see. I remember back in July nominating several blogs for an award so now is my chance to talk about some other great ones!

The Chick Manifesto- This is a rather new blog. Amee (previously from the Ravenous Reader) and Taren talk about all sorts of things including books, tv shows and movies. They definitely talk about things I'm interesting in! They are very friendly, lots of great chats going on in the comments.

Melissa Walker's Blog- I love Melissa and her blog! Win-It Wednesday used to be my favorite day with all the great questions, I still like it, but now Cover Stories on Mondays is my favorite!! Each Monday Melissa shares the story of one author's cover and how it came to be. Pretty much the best thing ever! Melissa is very friendly and shares lots of great things on her blog!

Shooting Stars Mag- Shooting Stars Mag posted about all sorts of things including books, movies and music. If you can't tell those are some of my favorite things!!!

YA Fresh- Kelly and Tina (both YA authors) share a variety of things on their blog. Including interviews, giveaways and fun author things. They are so nice and make you feel welcome!

The Compulsive Reader- The Compulsive Reader is another great blogger. She posts anything from reviews to book of the month to author spotlights. I've emailed with her a few times, she's a great person to talk books with!

Bookshipper- Tina posts a great variety of reviews. Most recently I've enjoyed her series of Red Dress Ink reviews!

The Book Muncher- The Book Muncher mainly reviews young adult titles. But within the genre you will find great variety. She also posts interviews, and other great things! 


  1. Thanks so much Alea! You're too awesome!

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Alea, you're the greatest! Thanks so much!

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hello There!! You are loved by many aren't you. Well I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the I LOVE YOUR BLOG bloggy award. You can check it out at:

    I do love your blog!


  4. Thank you so much Alea!!!!I am very flattered.

  5. AW thanks, i appreciate it. i'm so glad you like the blog and i love yours as well of COURSE! :)


  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Congrats, Alea! I always enjoy reading your blog :)

  7. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Congratulations! I heart your blog too!!

  8. amee & taren- You are so welcome! I really enjoy your blog and the variety!

    planetbooks- Thank you again! That's so sweet of you! I like your blog too!!! :D

    tina- Hey no problem! Thank you!

    shooting stars mag-Thank you and you are welcome!

    dawn- Thanks! And I enjoy yours as well!

    j. kaye- Thanks! You know I heart your blog!


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