Monday, October 06, 2008

GIVEAWAY Matrimony from Author Joshua Henkin!

Matrimony's author Joshua Henkin was kind enough to offer a personally inscribed copy of the newly released paperback version of Matrimony to one lucky person! Isn't the cover beautiful! You can check out my review here.

Did you know Matrimony was a New York Times Notable book? How cool is that and Joshua also has a website where you can check out his blog, download a reading group guide and see if he'll be visiting your city!

Here's how to enter: 

Leave a comment on this post telling me what about this book sounds interesting to you!

For one additional entry, blog about this giveaway and leave the link in the comments here.

This giveaway is open worldwide! 

Please leave your email address (or have an active blogger account/blog that I can contact you via) in your comment so I will be able to contact you if you are the winner. :)

The giveaway will end Saturday October 11th at 11:59 PM Central Time.

Good luck and thank you Joshua!


  1. Your review of the book caught my attention (I had seen this book coming up on several blogs)... I'm interested because I really like books where the protagonist(s) are writers.

  2. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I was instantly curious when I saw the cute shoes on the cover. Some days I believe I'm too visual.
    When you said the book threw you for a loop, you had me. I love loops. =-)[@]

  3. Please add my name to the giveaway.
    This book sounds like an interesting story about marriage over time and your review definitely drew me in!

  4. I really enjoy books that let you see a character evolve. I have heard great things about this one and would love to read it. I also can't resist the shoes!

  5. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Great giveaway! I'm blogging about it on Wednesday!

  6. Anonymous12:59 PM

    "To Julian’s bewilderment, it turns out sex wasn’t the lure at all; it was “Nightline.” "

    That right there suckered me into wanting to read this, lol. Almost sounds like my husband and I, just with a different show.

    Please enter me =)

  7. It seems like a really interesting book. I love that you'll follow the characters for so many years and watch them grow and develop. It's like reading another persons hole life story.

  8. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The part about flashfowards - sounds kind of Lost-y.

  9. Sounds like a good book!

  10. The most interesting part of the book, as described in the review, looks to be the exploration of how the characters and couples change over time. I hope you send it my way.

  11. I blogged about your giveaway today:

  12. To be honest, the most interesting thing about this book is that EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT, and now it's being given away EVerywhere. I need to win it!

  13. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I have read so many reviews about this book - including what you wrote - , I would love to win this book! :)

  14. Can you pls count me in(twice)? i soo want to read this one!!

    i have linked you on my blog!

  15. Loved your review. The thing that sounds so interesting to me about this book is how it takes you through several of the characters lives.

  16. I have been wanting to read this one. Please enter me.

  17. This has been on my list for quite awhile. I blogged it too.

  18. I would love a copy of this book, so many have said good things about it and it has an intriguing cover.

  19. the title and summary caught my attentions.

  20. Your review has certainly sparked my interest in reading this novel. It certainly sounds like an intriguing storyline with twists and surprises. I also love the idea of following the characters over the course of several years, this always gives extra depth to their personalities. Thank you for the giveaway!


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