Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What Should I Ask For, For Christmas?

So my little sister is pretty much the cutest person in the world (she's no longer a little anything but to me she is!) She keeps asking me what I would like for Christmas and I really have no idea! She's going with me on my shopping trip Friday where we are going to buy pretty much everything we set our eyes on, kidding kidding. Already went to Borders and took care of some Pre-Thanksgiving deals tonight.

Anyhow... we've come to the conclusion that it could be fun if she bought me a book, shocking I know (preferably something she can find in a store!) So I'm going to make her a list of ideas. So what should I put on this magical list?  Help! There are tons of things coming out... after the holidays which is no help! 

And this totally doesn't solve what i am getting for her! Can you believe her, she said I couldn't buy her any books since I bought her too many this year! :P The girl is smart, wants to read what she already has!

So what book should I ask for!?! Or how about this, what are you asking for? I want to steal your ideas!

This is my list so far:

Confessions of a Tripleshot Betty- Jody Gehrman
Two Way Street- Lauren Barnholdt
You Had Me at Halo- Amanda Ashby
The Nature of Jade- Deb Caletti
Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List by Rachel Cohn
In Your Room- Jordanna Fraiberg


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM

    When Wanderers Cease to Roam, for sure!

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Money! :)

    I wanted to drop by and wish you an awesome Thanksgiving. :)

  3. I don't know what you haven't read! I suggest picking something that isn't at your library, and a big long book!

  4. Ask for David Levithan's books. =D

  5. Thanks so much for the ideas so far everyone, I added in what I have for my list right now so you can see!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. What I Saw and How I Lied. That book is on the top of my must have list right now.

    Oh I just got The Nature of Jade from bookmooch. I can mooch it to you when I'm done if you want.

  7. Oh goodness there are so so many. Just look through your librarything or whatnot and you will find something you really want!

  8. Definitely Jody Gehrman!

    I actually asked for tv shows on dvd instead of books. I know I'll be getting a couple gift cards so when my mom and sister wanted to know what I wanted, I chose a couple tv shows on dvd (and some yoga pants because I'm wearing holes into the ones I currently have--no, I don't do yoga, they're just super comfortable for pajama bottoms!).

  9. Amee- I'm going for tv dvd too, but I'll probably buy it all for myself haha! Just bought Mad Men today! What tv shows are you asking for?

    And comfortable pants, are heaven!

  10. Yay for Milkweed Editions! I actually haven't read any of their books yet and figured it was about time to support a local publisher. :) I'm sooo excited to read them!

  11. Anonymous11:25 PM

    No Ideas for you, I am only good at stealing ideas LOL!

    Happy ThanksGiving to u :)

  12. Anonymous1:33 AM

    I'm asking for Malcolm Gladwell, but you cannot steal him, for he is mine ;)

    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  13. Anonymous4:19 AM

    What about Freddy and Fredericka, by Mark Helprin? I'ts gourgeously written, funny and beautiful.

  14. I personally think you should ask her to stop time for you so you can read all the books you already have. And I highly recommend the Triple Shot Bettys.

  15. Anonymous5:27 AM

    I think The Extraordinary and Unusual Adventures of Horatio Lyle needs to be added to that list. The author, Catherine Webb, is brilliant.

    Though, on second though, I don't know if it's available in the USA yet. Still, though, it's worth the read - can be purchased at or

    As for what I'm asking for ... I'm a geek. I have a whole spreadsheet full of books that I want to read, and I just sent that to everyone who said they wanted to buy me a book.

  16. Uh, I want Personal Demon & Living With the Dead by Kelley Armstorng and Swallowing Darkness by Laurell K. Hamilton. Everything else I want comes out after Christmas lol so I'm just hoping for giftcards!

  17. what should you ask for...what about The Girl with the dragon tattoo?

    or The 19th Wife?

    Black Flies?

    Cold Rock River?

    The Adoration of Jenna Fox?

    Those are some of my favorites that I would recommend.

  18. have fun shopping :)
    Depends on what youre in the mood for but I recommend The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver or The Ice Queen by Alice Hoffman if you want a moving read.

  19. Liv- Can't wait to see what you think of them!

    Lenore- That's probably the best present!

    Thank you for the advice everyone! It will be very helpful! And once more, Happy Thanksgiving!

    Can't wait to see what you all get for presents during the holiday season!

  20. Taren- Can't wait to see what you think of Outliers!


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