Saturday, February 14, 2009

This Week In Books Or Could These Books Look Any Better (No They Could Not!)


Sophomore Switch by Abby McDonald
Shadowed Summer by Saundra Mitchell

Sophomore Switch I got from Bookmooch but will also be reviewing sometime soon! Shadowed Summer was also for review, thank you!



You Are So Undead to Me by Stacey Jay
Peace, Love and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle
Along For the Ride by Sarah Dessen
Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti
Lipstick Apology by Jennifer Jabaley
Hottie by Jonathan Bernstein
Heartbreak River by Tricia Mills

Review copies, OMG I'm so excited! Sqqqqquuuuueeeeeeeee!


Crystal by V.C. Andrews

Got this at the library sale. Had never heard of this Orphans miniseries.


Aurelia by Anne Osterlund
The Fearless Fish Out of Water by Robin Fisher Roffer

Thanks to Sarah from Sarah's Random Musings for Aurelia which I won in her contest! The Fearless Fish Out of Water is for review!

Saturday: nothing


  1. Super jealous of Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks and Waiting for You (although I should be getting Waiting for You.)

    And it's the good Hottie cover! xD

  2. coughcough Peace, Love and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle,
    Along For the Ride by Sarah Dessen,
    Waiting For You by Susane Colasanti please :D!

  3. I'm super jealous about Along for the Ride!

  4. Very creative presentationt this week :)

  5. WOW!! Another great week. And I will be so interested in what you think of the Andrews book. Your library has way better book for sale than ours. This week they were almost all travel guides . . . and to places I have no desire to go!

  6. Anonymous2:37 PM

    You had another big week. You need to share a picture of all of your books one week.

  7. Awesome review copies!

    Yay, you got Lipstick Apology. You'll have to let me know when you plan to read it, so we can chat about it!!!

  8. I want to read every one of those books, lol. Amazing week!

  9. OMG I'm so jealous of your super-fabulous week in books. If you don't want your copies of Lipstick Apology, Along for the Ride and Hottie let me know, OK? Who is your Penguin contact, BTW? I need to get in touch...

  10. Super jealous of Along for the Ride and Waiting for You- why won't my copies arrive?!

    lol, I also own Crystal too, along with the Orphans omnibus. It's a good series. :)

  11. Awww I'm way jealous of your review books! I've read Heartbreak River though, it was good :)

  12. You had a pretty good week. Love how you do the pictures each week.

    I see another VC Andrews fan. I have every single book by VC. Just got a new one tonight.

    Happy reading can't wait to see your reviews.

  13. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Oh, hey, if you end up liking the miniseries pattern (which is good since you don't have to read them in order, even the last one that brings all four girls together) there are two more VCA miniseries: Wildflower and Shooting Stars. Shooting Stars is my favorite, but all three serious are fun.

  14. Anonymous9:09 PM

    You got some very good books, but you do need a copy of Rowan of the Wood like those lovely ladies, Alea and Shalonda suggested. It's a really wonderful book, a first in a series, and doesn't it have a great cover? It's by Christine and Ethan Rose. Please check their website at Hope you check out Rowan of the Wood.

  15. And when you finish Rowan, could you send it to me. I'd love to check it out! I've heard it is a must read!

  16. I'm jealous of those books that you got Alea. Like Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks and Waiting for you by Susane Colasanti!

  17. I am so insanely jealous. I haven't read much by Lauren Myracle, but I REALLY REALLY want to get my hands on a copy of Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks. It looks adorable!!

  18. Lots of great books. =D

  19. Haha, your week is almost shaped like a bell curve! :) Hooray for books and mailboxes! Awesome collection!


  20. Great bunch of books. I am jealous of quite a few of those.

  21. Can we swap Wednesdays? Like ...seriously.

  22. You had a good week.

    I entered a gazillion contests and didn't win. I'm grateful for trading sites.

    Speaking of free books. Check out
    Color Online.Add us to your blog roll or other sidebar links, and we’ll enter your name in a drawing for a free book from our Prize Bucket or a $5 Amazon gift certificate.Link Promo

  23. You're right - they could not look much better! Some great looking books there, I hope you have fun reading them!

  24. wow alea! again... as always an awesome lot... where is your copy of rowan of the wood?

  25. rowan rowan I want it now daddy now!

    Omg did you leave me that Rowan comment? I'll keel ya.

  26. I love your arrangement of books. I wish I was at your house on Wednesdays!! I'm still drooling for Along For the Ride by Sarah Dessen. I heard her read from it on YouTube.

  27. Hope you enjoy Heartbreak River! LisaMay, so glad you enjoyed it.

    Tricia Mills

  28. *THUD* You had that BEST week!! I am super envious, but very very happy for you. Which book are you going to dive into first?

    As usual I love love love your book display, very creative :)

  29. I got Sophomore Switch and Aurelia recently too. Have fun with your new books!

  30. I actually haven't heard of a lot of those books. I can't wait to hear the reviews. : )

  31. Stop. Really. Stop. Tell me where you are putting all these books!

  32. Wow! You always get tons of books. I don't know how you find the time to read them all!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  33. Wow - Wednesday was a good day for you!!

  34. Wednesday was great for you. Peace Love and Baby Ducks looks amazing. So does Along for the Ride.

  35. Wow, what a great list of books. Happy Reading.

  36. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I just got in "Shadowed Summer" by Saundra Mitchell yesterday and I am soooooo envious you got "You Are So Undead to Me" by Stacey Jay. Goodness knows, I shouldn't be, but I am. I have that one on my got-to-have!

    Awesome stack of books! You go!!!


  37. Beth F- Ours has a whole bookcase of Travel Guides too!

    Bermudaonion- It would take way too long and be about 100 pictures probably lol. But you never know!

    Cindy- I've never actually read any of her books, which is a big part of my book hoarding problem. I'll buy a ton by an author before even figuring out if I actually like them!

    Taren- Thanks for the info!

    the epic rat- Great observation!

    Tricia Mills- Thank you for stopping by!

    Beth Kephart- I have an addiction! I suppose it could be far worse, they basically go everywhere and anywhere!

    J. Kaye- Look at us, reading similar books! Yay!

  38. Thanks for the comments everyone, even if I don't reply I read them all at least twice! In my email and just now!


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