Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday Thingers: Least Favorite Book

Question: What is your least-favorite book(s)? Is your least-favorite book listed in your LT library? If it is listed, do you have anything special in the tags or comments section? How have others rated your least-favorite book?

It's hard to know what my least favorite book is so I'm going to refer to star ratings in my LT library. So for the most part, all my 1 star ratings are books I read in college for my Honors Colloquiums. Here are a few, A Briefer History of Time, Godel's Proof, and Plato's Meno. I wonder if I would feel any different about any of them reading them outside of school. I have a feeling I still won't like most of them! The only non-school book I have rated under 2 stars is Gifted, which was an Early Reviewer book. I'm pretty sure I'm in the minority for rating these so low!


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Easy. Ellis Peters' A Morbid Taste for Bones. I had to read it for English in senior year and it was painfully boring. We all called it A Morbid Piece of Crap. Usually there'd be at least one person who'd actually read and love whatever book we read (instead of using Sparknotes) but this time we were all united in hatred (and unfortunately there were no Sparknotes for it!).

  2. eat pray love... boredorama.

  3. I've read little bits of A Briefer History of Time, and thought it was pretty interesting. But I've never been inspired to read the whole thing. Maybe I need an even briefer history of time.

  4. The only one of those that I read was Plato (read in college) and I remember liking it. Which is really unusual for me because I didn't care for a lot of the books I read in college.


  5. The English Teacher. We had to do that for Literature for two years. My love for books became loathe for books then briefly.

  6. You know, I think it is different when you HAVE to read a book, versus when you make the choice to read it. I know I've seen a few of the books I was required to read throughout school on some of the "most popular" or "must read" lists - I sometimes REALLY don't agree with these lists. :)

    Thanks for stopping by and participating in Thingers last week! I've got the post up for this week, have you seen the new customizable widgets on LT? ~ Wendi

  7. Taren- LOL! That's hilarious!

    Holly- Yeah I haven't made up my mind if i want to read that one yet!

    jlshall- Yeah I think I need to 30 minute movie version!

    Alyce- It's always a nice surprise when you enjoy required reading!

    Liyana- At least it was only briefly!

    Wendi B- Exactly!


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