Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback Special OMG I'm Quoted Edition!

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway




The wait is over for the paperback of this irresistible, fast-paced, hit-worthy debut!

When funny, charming, absolutely-normal Audrey Cuttler dumps her boyfriend Evan, he writes a song about her that becomes a number-one hit—and rockets Audrey to stardom!

Suddenly, tabloid paparazzi are on her tail and Audrey can barely hang with her friends at concerts or the movies without getting mobbed—let alone score a date with James, her adorable coworker at the Scooper Dooper. Her life will never be the same—at least, not until Audrey confronts Evan live on MTV and lets the world know exactly who she is!

So I've always been a huge fan of the hardcover and thought the paperback was nice IF they HAD to change the cover. Then something changed today, the lovely Charley informed me that I was QUOTED(!!!!) on the back of the paperback!

Ok we'll get back to that in a bit, so the cover, always loved the hardcover, it's powerful graphic appeal, love it. I think my favorite thing about the paperback (besides being quoted of course) would be the screenprinted looking title, and if you actually touch it, it feels screenprinted, nice touch. I also like the photo and the colors of the cover in general.

Ok back to the quote, the book doesn't come out technically until Thursday but I was able to find a copy. And it turns out, a bunch of us bloggers are quoted! Reviewer X, Writer's Block Reviews, The Page Flipper, Hope's Bookshelf, The Compulsive Reader, Teen Book Review among others are quoted! Check it out below, it's surreal! What a boost for the blogging community!

Hardcover or Paperback?

* Sorry about the really really really bad quality of pictures.


  1. That's mega amazing Alea!!

  2. Ah! CONGRATS you guys. That is supremely awesome. :)

  3. Very cool! Good job, Alea!

  4. Oh my gosh! That is so exciting! I'm absolutely thrilled for you!

  5. Alea that is amazing. I will be looking for this book now. Congrats.

  6. SO COOL! Seriously that's freaggin awesome!

  7. Very cool for all of you!! This is certainly something you'll keep on your shelf forever!!

  8. Anonymous8:11 PM

    It's just great to see the recognition that you guys are getting. The enthusiasm and passion that you and your fellow bloggers have for books should well be rewarded. This is wonderful, and well deserved! Congratulations.

    Julia H

  9. See Audrey loves you as much as I do! She shall not dispose me or there will be a day or reckoning!

  10. OH MY GOD ALEA! I'm going to love you forever for finding this out! Ahhhh. This made my day.

    Not even kidding.




  11. Is that the back of the book? Wow! The publishers sure know who their audience is. Very nice! I have a hardback copy, but I might just have to buy the paperback and see all these familiar names on it. ;)

  12. This is really, really cool!! Congratulations!!

  13. Congratulations Alea! How cool is that? Just for you, I'm totally voting paperback!

  14. Anonymous8:41 PM

    That's so awesome -congratulations!

  15. That is friggin' awesome! Congrats!!

  16. SO cool!! I recieved a copy of a book a few weeks ago and found my name in the acknowledgements - I almost fell off my chair!

  17. Are all the blurbs quoted on the outside? Or are there more inside?

    That's so awesome!!! :) Congrats to you! I'll have to go check out my bookstore to see if they have any copies so I can see all you guys on there!

  18. Very very cool. You're famous!

  19. Awesome quotes! I like the hardcover.

  20. Can I like the front of the HC and the back of the PB! I really do like the cover of the HC better but that PB is amazing. You guys all rock so hard!!

  21. You guys rock!!! I love both covers but the hardcover is still cooler to me!

  22. That's amazing! Congratulations!

  23. This type of thing seems to be happening more and more lately, and it's a very exciting development in book blogging! Congrats, Alea and all!

  24. Awesome! So, I've seen a few times that people are just like "so-and-so saw that they were quoted" ... does anyone ever tell you or do you just have to randomly come across it? Funky!

  25. That is great. Congrats! :)

  26. Awesomeness! :D Now...does that mean we can start sending our books to you and have them signed :P

  27. Ahhhh! That's so awesome! I had no idea. Thanks for posting this. :):):)

  28. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Congrats Alea, this must be soooo exciting :)

  29. That is so awesome! Congrats to you and the other bloggers who were quoted!

  30. Yay for you! I went back and read my own review, and noticed I have not a single quoteable quote in my review. Missed opportunity!

  31. I prefer the paperback cover even without the awesomeness of the quotes. They're just a big bonus =)

  32. WOW!!!! So cool. Great job. Yippee!!!

  33. I believe congrats are in order for you and everyone else quoted on the back of the book. This is a big boost to the blogging community and I'm happy you are among the anointed!

  34. Whoo-hoo, Alea, congratulations! That is so fantastic! I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for this book!

  35. The hardcover is my fav and how neat that you're quoted!!! Congrats!

  36. Oh wow! Congrats Alea, and all the other bloggers quoted! (even Luisa from Chicklish... how cool?!)

  37. That is really wonderful! Congratulations! (Personally, I'd glue the back of the paperback to the back of the hardcover.)

  38. How exciting! It was pretty amazing to see not only your quote but so many other bloggers. I bet that this will become more common, and it is fun to see! Congratulations.

  39. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Yay! Thanks for letting me know! Off to buy it!

  40. That's awesome! Congrats!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  41. I LOVE this! A great example of how publishers are turning to bloggers. So excited for you!

  42. I'd say PAPERBACK all the way, since so many bloggers were quoted on the back! That is awesome! Congrats!

  43. Oh Alea! That's so amazing! Congratulations!!!

  44. Alea, that's so amazing! Bloggers quoted, you among them! Wow. I don't know. This feels article worthy.

  45. So, so cool - congrats!

  46. Congrats to Alea and all the other bloggers quoted! That is amazing, you should be proud to have your quotes blazened across the back of a book!!!!

  47. I've already tweeted my congrats, but seriously congratulations! This is great and so exciting!

  48. Thanks everyone! I still can't believe it! What a big boast for this community!!!!!! I hope we see this kind of thing more often!

    BookChic- There aren't any inside unfortunately.

  49. OMG, I LOVE that these quotes are on the back cover. If I ever have a book where I'm allowed to do this, consider it DONE.

  50. Melissa you are the best! :D


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