Wednesday, April 01, 2009

This Year In Movies: March

This month I watched 9 movies and 1 tv show, lower than average but much better than last month!

The Tudors Season 2- Enjoyable but I think I preferred the first season. The third season looks like it's going to be even darker! I do wonder how far the series will span, I'd love to see Henry's children ruling!

How to Lose Friends and Alienate People- Pretty funny but at the same time annoying, like Meet the Parents annoying, I hate movies where bad things happen over and over and over again to the main character, it's painful to watch!

Role Models- Funny, I'll watch anything with Paul Rudd in it. For some reason I feel like rating this one, I'll give it a 3 out of 5.

Happy-Go-Lucky- Quirky! Check out my review here!

The Rocker- Better than I thought it would be! I thought it would be over the top goofy, and while it was goofy, it wasn't over the top goofy. I prefer Rainn Wilson as Dwight on the Office though.

Rachel Getting Married- Atmospheric and touching. Check out my review here!

Let the Right One In- This was amazing, I'm still angry it's already being remade here in the US! Check out my full review here.

Choke- Definitely bizarre in a for the most part good way. I've always wanted to try one of Chunk Palahniuk's novels but feared they may be too gross for me. This might be a good one to try reading, the movie wasn't too bad gross-wise.

Sex Drive- Definitely a modernized version of A Sure Thing from the 80s, cute and fun and a bit raunchy.

Cadillac Records- Interesting, sad, and based on real life!

So, what did you watch that was interesting this month?


  1. Anonymous12:20 AM

    It looks like you had a pretty prolific month!

  2. Good list. I can't wait for Tudors season 3 -- starts in a few days.

  3. I've read Lullaby by Palahniuk, and I want to read Fight Club. I didn't watch anything fantastic in March... I was entertained by Mission Impossible 3.

  4. I didn't watch anything new or even that interesting in March. The only thing I can think of is that I finally caught The Ringer with Johnny Knoxville and Katherine Heigl on tv (although I missed the first hour). It was actually better than I thought it would be considering the subject matter.

  5. I haven't seen any of these :( In March I watched BBC's Greyfriar's Bobby, BBC's Ballet Shoes, Challenge to Lassie, The Watchmen, Charlotte's Web (the animated and the live-action), Baby Take a Bow, Disney's Greyfriar's Bobby, and My Side of the Mountain.

  6. I've been wanting to check out Choke...his books don't do it for me, but I love love LOVED Fight Club, so maybe I will.

  7. I had a little bit of a slow movie month - ended up by watching Twilight, which was GAH! I've got Rachel Getting Married on my list, though.

  8. I tried to read Choke and had to put it down. Too much sex, too much swearing, kind of gross. For me, that does not make a good read.

    Maybe the movie was better?

  9. A.- I think it could have been worse but there was a lot of that in there.

    I'll be watching the Tudors Season 3 when it's out on dvd!

  10. i wish i have nikki book and her purse she so rock i just luv her book there so awesome


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