Sunday, May 03, 2009

Airhead by Meg Cabot


Emerson Watts didn’t even want to go to the new SoHo Stark Megastore grand opening. But someone needed to look out for her sister, Frida, whose crush, British heartthrob Gabriel Luna, would be singing and signing autographs there—along with the newly appointed Face of Stark, teen supermodel sensation Nikki Howard.

How was Em to know that disaster would strike, changing her—and life as she’d known it—forever? One bizarre accident later, and Em Watts, always the tomboy, never the party princess, is no longer herself. Literally.

Now getting her best friend, Christopher, to notice that she’s actually a girl is the least of Em’s problems.

But what Em’s pretty sure she’ll never be able to accept might just turn out to be the one thing that’s going to make her dream come true….


For about a year since the release of Airhead I was in the dark as to what the big twist was in Airhead. And now that I know I think it's a great and clever concept! And can you believe it, my first Meg Cabot book ever and what a fun one to start with!

I loved the character of Emerson Watts, she and I, we would definitely be friends. She doesn't mess with all the girly primping and rituals and it sure baffles her little sister Frida (great names in this family). She has a best friend that she might want to be a little bit more with if only he would notice she was a girl. Thrown in the videogame Journeyquest and they are happy as clams.

Both to Em's and Frida's annoyance they set off to the Stark Megastore ( I sort of see it as a cross between Virgin Megastore and Walmart) and something horrible and very very unexpected happens. When Em comes to she doesn't yet know it but her whole entire world has changed and that's all I will say about that....

Meg Cabot writes in such a way that my face was glued to the page, when I was reading I wasn't aware of anything else around me and all of a sudden released I had read 50 pages! (And that's a lot for me in one sitting) I really liked how many different things were happening in the story, it was a mix of romance, living the high life, high school, sci-fi, humor, and taking down the man. What a fun story she weaves!

I think my only complaint would be that Cabot repeats herself A LOT. It seemed like every chapter or so Em would list all the problems she was having and I'm not really sure what the point of it was, in that sense Em came off as a little whiny.

All in all an exciting and humorous start to a fun series!

Airhead was released in paperback on April 7th.

4/5 Stars
Purchased by myself


  1. I find that the story progressed really slowly in this book.

  2. I liked this book so much more than the Princess Diaries!

  3. Both my friend and I loved Airhead, and now we can't wait for Being Nikki to come out.

  4. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I can't believe that was your first Meg Cabot book! You totally picked a good one, though. Like you, I really liked the twist.

  5. Now that you've read this book, I'm probably the last person in the world who hasn't read a Meg Cabot book.

  6. I loved Airhead! I recently read Being Nikki and it was also really good!

  7. This is your first? You need to read more! Where have you been for the past like 8 years? lol

    Glad you enjoyed Airhead! I loved it too and am excited to read the sequel, which is in my TBR pile.

  8. I want to read this one, I love meg cabot, but the whiny part I'm sure I wouldn't be a fan of.

  9. I'm going to echo Book Chic. This is your FIRST Meg Cabot?? Where have you been, girl?! You need to catch up. :) But this is a great review. I've been behind on my Meg Cabot and so I haven't read this yet, but now I want to!

  10. HAHAHA! You guys crack me up! I know! Sadly until about a year ago I didn't even realize YA the genre existed! I'd read like Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and the Jessica Darling series! YA was not this cool when I was a YA! I'm making up for it now, don't worry!

  11. I will have to pick up this series. The cover alone has me hooked! I am such a sucker for covers.

    Great review!

  12. I love the Princess Diaries but I haven't tried this one yet!

    Is it true there are bunches of Tomb Raider references?

    Great review <3

  13. I am glad you reviewed this. I have been looking forward to it. :)

  14. Like everyone else says, read more Meg Cabot! She's awesome. Her books can always put you in a good mood. ;)

  15. I'm skipping the next review because of your spoiler alert --but this sounds fun. I haven't read Cabot yet either!

  16. Anonymous5:36 PM

    I love Meg Cabot, and yet I haven't read that one - I'll have to do that soon though, especially with the sequel that just came out this week!

  17. I definitely want to read this one. Thanks for the review!


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