Monday, May 11, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback 28

American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld



UK Paperback

A kind, bookish only child born in the 1940s, Alice Lindgren has no idea that she will one day end up in the White House, married to the president. In her small Wisconsin hometown, she learns the virtues of politeness, but a tragic accident when she is seventeen shatters her identity and changes the trajectory of her life. More than a decade later, when the charismatic son of a powerful Republican family sweeps her off her feet, she is surprised to find herself admitted into a world of privilege. And when her husband unexpectedly becomes governor and then president, she discovers that she is married to a man she both loves and fundamentally disagrees with–and that her private beliefs increasingly run against her public persona. As her husband’s presidency enters its second term, Alice must confront contradictions years in the making and face questions nearly impossible to answer.

The US Hardcover and Paperback are very very similar minus the title color change. When you throw the UK paperback into the mix things get interesting! I really like how different they are, the US cover to me, shows a more grown up main character when she's First Lady whereas the UK paperback shows her before she becomes First Lady, at least that's what I think. She kind of looks like Cate Blanchett there on the UK paperback! I also really like the style of photography on the UK paperback. So I guess over all, I cannot choose I like them both!

Hardcover or Paperback?


  1. UK covers seem way more inclined to show people!

    I agree that they seem to focus on different areas of Alice's life. I think the UK paperback is trying to capture an American feel with all that open space. I know my British fiance has this idealized image of the American west. Americans don't need that, we're already here. =)

    I totally thought she looked like Cate Blanchett too. It's a little disconcerting!

  2. She does look like Cate Blanchette!

    I don't know which one I like better. Just looking at them I like the UK paperback best, but neither of them really seems to capture what the book sounds like it's about... but then I haven't read it.

  3. I definitely like the US paperback bet. The colours are nice and brighter then the other two covers.

  4. I like the UK paperback since it shows the model's head.

  5. Tough call. I think I like the hardcover. :)

  6. Hardcover without question. The paperback is a close second. I think both covers are gorgeous. Not so sure about the Brit cover...perhaps you need to be an Anglophile to enjoy? Ha!

  7. I like them both too, but I particularly like the UK cover.

  8. I like the Hardcover version better, but the UK cover is interesting.

  9. The UK cover is my favorite, but between the two US covers, I vote hardcover. I like the smaller title treatment, it adds the the simplicity of it.

  10. I actually would have liked a totally different cover (having just read and finished this book on Sunday). The US ones show her in her White House phase; unfortunately, the book never actually covers her at an event where she'd be inclined to dress like that and she didn't wear a dress like that to her wedding... they should have used a red linen suit (which she wears in the day in the White House in question).

    The UK version is pretty accurate in regard to a pivotal period in the book; however, it's only pivotal in that it affects everything that comes later in her life--most notably, her time as First Lady.

    Long answer, but I'd say: First choice, new cover with red linen suit; second choice, American paperback edition; third choice, American hardback; last choice, UK version.

  11. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I didn't like the book itself, but I do like the hardcover version, with the paperback coming in second. Count me in on the people who think the model on the UK cover looks like Cate Blanchett. I think it looks like a movie poster for Brideshead Revisited or something.

  12. I like the US Paperback better, the dress seems whiter :)

  13. I like the UK cover best. I like seeing people on the covers. I don't mind that it might change how I would have imagined the character. ;)

  14. I LOVE the first one. The US paperback is a close second, but not as beautiful or classic. Don't like the red.

  15. I have the hardcover cover (its an ARC) and while I like it, it certainly isn't illustrating any particular event from the book. I think I may like the UK cover best.

  16. US hardcover, definitely! I love the simple, elegant, yet eyecatching picture and lettering. A+++!

  17. I think I like the hardcover the best. It just looks cooler. I think I've heard about this book. Is this the one that's sort of supposed to be based on Laura Bush?

  18. If I had to pick, it would be the US hardcover :)


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