Sunday, May 10, 2009

Retrospective 1

Retrospective (click here to visit Steph's blog and join in) is a recap of what has happened this week on Pop Culture Junkie! I think it's a great way to present everything from a week in a small package, find something you missed or remember something you wanted to look at again. This was organized by the lovely Steph!

*If you are wondering what in the heck that image is. Well, I wanted to use an image for this post and I'm thinking of going to BEA. A few months ago me and my sister were being silly with this stick your head into random picture websites and so there you have it... if it creeps me out too much I might take it down, I just thought it was silly!


Sunday I posted here about the really exciting project, Word Ninjas and also a Undercover Paperback Release contest that Beth Kephart is having. I also posted my review of Airhead the first book in the series by the same name by Meg Cabot.


Monday I posted my review of Being Nikki the second book in the Airhead series by Meg Cabot. I wouldn't suggest reading my review unless you have read Airhead because it explains some of the plot of the first book.


Tuesday I posted Hardcover vs. Paperback 27 which featured Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy. This one was suggested by Hope! Tuesday I also responded to the Tuesday Thingers question about tag and author clouds here.


Wednesday I posted Waiting On Wednesday #29! It featured School of Fear by Gitty Daneshvari.


Thursday I posted my review of an adult title, Prelude by William Coles. It was actually featured in an article the following day as well here. I also participated in the Booking Through Thursday question about graphic novels and comics!


Friday I posted Lookalikes 48 which features three covers with the same model. Also Lookalikes got some kind words from author April Henry here, thank you! And I announced the winner of Genesis, who was Riva!


Saturday I posted my This Week In Books post which featured another trip to Half Price Books, twice in less than a week!


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    This is such a good idea, isn't it? I love the whole retrospective thing.

    That would be amazing if you went to BEA. You'll have to give me every single detail!

  2. You had a great week. And I think you make a fantastic statue of liberty.

    If you go to BEA, would you snag me a Catching Fire ARC? Pretty please? Weeks, if not months, of servitude would be on the bargaining table....

  3. Alea this is such a great idea. I am sure people will be copying this from you.

    If you go to BEA, have tons of fun. I won't be going this year. Hoping to go next year.

  4. Ooh, I hope you go to BEA so you can take lots of notes and tell us all about it.

    Oh, and you look fab as Lady Liberty. Green is totally your color.


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