Saturday, May 02, 2009

This Week In Books Or Oh Nooooooos But It Could Have Been Worse


The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams

This arrived for the first ever Traveling to Teens book tour which started yesterday!

Tuesday: nothing


The Marriage Bureau for Rich People by Farahad Zama
The Sweet Life of Stella Madison by Lara M. Zeises
Castration Celebration by Jake Wizner
Alyzon Whitestarr by Isobelle Carmody

These came for review.


Darkest Hour by Meg Cabot
Code Name Cassandra by Meg Cabot
Sanctuary by Meg Cabot
When Lightning Strikes by Meg Cabot (this might be in the running for ugliest cover i've ever seen)
The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
Princess in the Spotlight by Meg Cabot
Princess in Training by Meg Cabot

Um er, went a little crazy at the library! I always see the Princess Diaries series around here and there and figured maybe it was about time I got my hands on a complete set!

Dull Boy by Sarah Cross

This came for the third Traveling to Teens book tour happening at the end of the month!


Tenth Grade Bleeds by Heather Brewer
I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I want to be your Class President by Josh Lieb

After by Amy Efaw
Hold Still by Nina LaCour (WoW post)
Wanderlust by Lucy Silag
Fire by Kristin Cashore

These came for review. Most of them were surprises and book surprises are the best kind!

Almost Single by Advaita Kala (WoW post)
Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott

Yeah... had to go back to Borders. I had The two BEST coupons I can get. a 40% of coupon and also a $5 off coupon! You don't say no to that!


Princess of Gossip by Sabrina Bryan and Julia DeVillers
Tess of The D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy
Moonlight by Rachel Hawthorne
Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel-Fattah
Masquerade by Melissa De La Cruz

So, went to the Half Price Books warehouse sale and it was extremely crowded and the line looked just TOO LONG to stand in, so we wandered around for like 10 minutes and left. It was very near a Half Price Books store location so of course I had to pop in there. I had my trusty 15% of coupon and got the 5 books above! Can you believe it, only 5! Usually the clearance section does me in but they didn't have a very good one thankfully!


  1. You showed great restraint in only buying 5 books at Half Price Books. You had a great week.

  2. the Princess of Gossip cover reminds me of TMI. You were very self-restrained this week :)

  3. Very jealous of Dull Boy, Tenth Grade Bleeds, Wanderlust (Esp. this!- such a pretty cover), and The Chosen One.

    Great haul this week.

  4. Holy moly! Good week for you.

  5. only you would say "THANKFULLY they didn't have a good clearance section"

  6. Guess I don't have to send you Ten Things I Hate About Me anymore!

    I really want The Chosen One now.

  7. You got some very excellent books for review! Glad that you mentioned T2T. :)

  8. Whoo! What a fantastic list of books!

  9. Wow, what a great week for you. Tenth Grade Bleeds!
    And what a great title: I am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I want to be your Class President.

  10. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Awesome set of books! =D

  11. I think you might be right about that Meg Cabot cover. And you know, I've seen some covers.

  12. Great week! (again - wow!) I love the Wanderlust cover.

  13. Again such a great week. So much book yumminess.

  14. Lots of great books. Been hearing so many good things about Dull Boy. Gonna have to get me a copy of that one.

  15. Omg I totally agree with you about the Meg Cabot covers, so not pretty! I loved the old covers so much more better, why did they have to change it? Anyway, thanks for reminding I need to get that series for my sister, she in love with them. =)

    Great books, and your right surprise books are the greatest!

  16. I am insanely jealous!!! You got Dull Boy, Alyzon Whitestarr, and Fire!!!

  17. Oh my goodness, I tried to go to the Half Price sale too and after waiting in line to get in and then seeing how long the line was to pay for books, I decided it just was not worth it!

    I was totally jealous of all the people I saw that were leaving with big bagfuls of books!

  18. omg. i'm completely jealous of a lot of these like Wanderlust and Hold Still and After (that was on the list, yes?) and umm...just like...a ton. LOL

    great week.

  19. Wow, awesome week! I have the old cover for the first 1-800 book. Then I have the next 3 which were the original covers (also under the name Jenny Carrol). And finally, I have the newest cover for the very last book in the series. Bascially what I'm saying is, I'm lucky because I also hate the newest covers. :P

  20. Fire???????!??! Eeek, I can't wait to read Fire! So far the few things I have heard about it makes me so excited! I can't wait to read it in the fall.

  21. Oh, I'm so excited for Wanderlust! I'm completely jealous right now!

  22. The Sweet Life of Stella Madison? SO lucky!

  23. Anonymous10:12 PM

    What I'd like to know is when is President Obama going to thank you for singlehandedly keeping the U.S. economy afloat?

  24. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Excellant books! I am espessially jealous of After.

  25. what awesome bunch of books.

  26. That's a lot of great books! I love the Princess Diaries series.

  27. I'd really like to have Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel-Fattah. Happy reading.

  28. Haha yes, it could have been a LOT worse. And what is this Half Priced Books thing. You got so many good books from there! Also, I need to get on the Traveling to Teens bandwagon... :(

  29. A lot these books look amazing.

  30. Wow so many books! I don't think I've ever seen a fellow blogger reading
    Princess of Gossip by Sabrina Bryan. It's a cute book, hope you enjoy it!

    So jealous of Ten Things I Hate About Me. That cover is awesome!! I can't find that book with that cover anywhere around here. Happy reading!

  31. That's it, have had enough of being green with envy. I am quitting my job, flying over the ocean, parking it on your couch and hitting up your library and local bookstores. Then A2....then we're boarding up the house and having a readapalooza!

  32. wow, you got realy cool books this week!
    best Marjoline

  33. They all look really good!

  34. You have some great books! Happy Reading!

  35. No! No! No! You did not get FIRE! You did not!

    You and Kristi are out to drive me mad, woman!

    I shall take comfort in the fact that even if I did get FIRE now, it would be all soft covered and not match well with my hardcoverd GRACELING. Yeah, that's my comfort. That's what helps me sleep at night. (If I could, you know, sleep at night. That's what would help me.)

    As always, amazing photo of your books. And I was wondering - do you sleep on books? Do you even have room for a bed? Do you have room for your family? ;)

  36. Hey cool, I got The Chosen One this week too! You had such an awesome haul this time around :) Happy Reading.

  37. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Your blog is outstanding! Here is the url of the blog from the Archives of the Sandusky Library, if you would like to take a look:

  38. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I love the Meg series you picked up. Hope you enjoy them.

    Slightly jealous you got The Chosen One, Wanderlust, AND After. Can't wait for the review.

  39. Yow!!! what a week!!! And only 5 at the sale is great. I've wanted to read the princess books.

  40. Sweet! Enjoy princess diaries I LOVE it!!

  41. Wow, you had a super awesome week, some of those books I've read and they are fantastic. Enjoy.

  42. What an awesome selection! I've always wanted to read The Princess Diaries. Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  43. Wow! You really racked up Alea! Only 5 books from Half Price Books? I am not sure I could do the same once I got started. Happy reading!


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