Saturday, June 20, 2009

This Week In Books Or I Have Nothing Interesting to Write Here I = Boring!


Pop Art

My dad got this for me when he was abroad. :) I love pop art!


Days of Little Texas by R.A. Nelson

I know this makes next to no sense, but after watching True Blood I'm extra excited about this book! Came for review.


The Secret Year by Jennifer R. Hubbard
The Painter from Shanghai by Jennifer Cody Epstein

The Secret Year came for review, I cannot believe it doesn't come out until next year, 2010 sounds so alien to me! And The Painter from Shanghai came for an upcoming TLC Book Tours tour.

Wednesday: nothing


Mates, Dates and Cosmic Kisses by Cathy Hopkins
The Diagnosis of Love by Maggie Leffler
Alentejo Blue by Monica Ali
Mexican WhiteBoy by Matt de la Pena

So I was mistaken, I thought it was $2 bag week at the library book store but it was actually 25 cent week so next week is $2 bag week. Regardless it is crazy how often they have these sales. So I spent basically a dollar there on Thursday!

Hate List by Jennifer Brown

Came for review :)


Two Years, No Rain by Shawn Klomparens

This came for another upcoming TLC Book Tours tour!

From Dead to Worse by Charlaine Harris

From Target!!!!


  1. Mates, Dates! Believe it or not, I love those books.

  2. Glad to see that first Sookie in there!

  3. You call 10 books boring! I think The Painter from Shanghai looks wonderful.

  4. bermudaonion- LOL no! I call myself boring because I couldn't think of a good subtitle for the post :/

  5. Haha. I clicked through from twitter because I thought the title meant you didn't get any books this week. You = trickster!

  6. Hahah no I have thought of a few titles for the day I get to post that though!

  7. I really want to read Hate List. It sounds amazing!

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM

    That's a great selection. I love how your books always come from like five different sources and you're not just like "oh, I went to the store one day".

  9. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Nice books! I want to know what you think of The Hate List.

  10. Ooh nice books you got there. :] I'm so jealous of Hate List and The Secret Year! Happy reading Alea.

  11. Can't wait to hear your review of hate list!

  12. We both got Secret Year and Hate List- yay! And also Days of Little Texas, and you're right- your comment doesn't make sense, lol. Care to elaborate?

  13. You had a good week Alea. The only one we have in common is Hate List. I got that one too.

    I am also doing the two years no rain tour.

    Happy reading. :)

  14. Hi Alea: Yeah, it has beennnn very slow here also! I hate the "in between" seasons in the book world!!!

  15. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Mates, Dates, and Cosmic Kisses is a great title. I can't wait to see if it's as good as the name.

    Good haul :-)

  16. Woah, great week. I really want to read Hate List. It looks amazing.

    Oh, and if you see this...I have a favor to ask of you...the YA book carnival stars tomorrow and whether you participate or not, could you please maybe post about it and spread the word? I want as many people as possible to hear about it and enjoy it, so it would mean a TON. Thanks in advance.


  17. I refuse to allow you to call you boring. Period.

  18. I got a Maggie Leffler book in the mail today. Looks really good. I'll look forward to your thoughts on the one you got. :-)

  19. I have not heard of a single book on that list. I feel super dumb. And kinda jealous of those ridiculously cheap library they have an online store? :D

  20. yeah, I got The Secret Year too and I agree that 2010 seems so far away! I couldn't believe the ARCs were out! Great week this week! I so wish my library had your library's sales!

  21. Sookie! Enjoy your books.

  22. The Hate List seems really intense! Happy reading

  23. Awesome books! I'm just starting up the Mates, Dates series. :)

  24. Great books you got this week, heaps of them look great. Enjoy.

  25. Anonymous8:53 PM

    I can't WAIT to read Hate List. Enjoy!


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