Sunday, November 22, 2009

Felties by Nelly Pailloux

In Felties: How to Make 18 Cute and Fuzzy Friends from Felt, crafters and artists alike get the goods on how to make the cutest of the cute using felt and fun embellishments. With only the most basic of sewing skills, crafters can fashion their own Feltie friends with an average construction time of only 15 minutes per pattern. Each Feltie design includes a full-color photograph of the Feltie project at hand, as well as an illustrated instructional overview, pattern diagrams, and a convenient list of every item you will need to complete the project located in a handy sidebar reference section.

Feltie friends can be customized with limitless embellishments and morph into such items as finger puppets, key rings, or mobile phone mascots. The fun creations include Polaroo (part bear and part kangaroo), the wise Samurai Cat, sleepy bushy-tailed Foxy, bamboo-munching Panda, Egyptian Mummy Cat, Stargazing Rabbit, Babushka, and many more.

Now, Felties isn't something I was normally seek out. I'm into the cute but wouldn't really consider myself into sewing. But I happened upon it one day, noticed that it looked simple enough and became OBSESSED. I ordered the book, 2 weeks later it finally showed up, I went out that night and bought just about every possible material (cost around $40) I thought I would need to complete any and all of the patterns and set off to work.

I started off with Mushroom Girl because to me she was the cutest. And I will be honest, it was a struggle, i almost gave up, probably took me about 3 hours. It probably didn't help that I started with a pattern with a lot of embellishments. But once I completed that first pattern I realized it wasn't really bad once I got into the sewing mindset. And from there I went to complete 10 of the 18 patterns in the book as of now. I'd say right now it takes me probably about 1-2 hours to complete a pattern.

Since my sewing skills aren't the great I modified as I went, making things easier for myself and adjusting the patterns to work a little better for me. The book is very simple to work with and definitely has given me a lot of ideas as to how I could create my own patterns, which I would like to try sometime soon. The patterns are very very small but I think it would be very simple to enlarge them on a copier to fit someone's comfort level.

Overall this is a fantastic book that has introduced me to a great new hobby! I just wish there were more patterns in the book!

Felties was released on October 19th
Genre: Felt Crafts
4.5/5 Stars
Book purchased from

Here is what i've made so far:

"Mushroom Girl"


"Hoodie Wolf"

Mouse (modified from "Pirate Mouse")

"Pensive Rabbit"

"Little Lion"

"Sleepy Fox"

"Vivid Squirrel"

Puppy (modified from "Sailor Puppy")

Stay tuned for an "I Will Make You A Feltie Giveway"!



    I might need to get this book for myself.

  2. Oh my gosh, they are too cute! You did a fantastic job!

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    So cute! I love the lion. It's adorable.

  4. Ooooh they are sooooo cute! I am v.v. sad that I can't enter to win a feltie :(

    Love your work!

  5. Great Felties!
    Love them all!
    I'm definitely making some for me and my friends!

  6. You don't know this about me but I cross stitch (well I did before I started blogging so I think I might have to get me the feltie book and try them out. They look super cute and fun!

    You did a great job :)

  7. Thanks everyone! If you make some too I would LOVE to see what you do!

  8. Those are too cute Alea.

    I was laughing at the babushka one. It brought back a memory for my bachlorette party LOL

    I might have to get the book and make babushka to send to my SIL LOL

    Keep up the great work Alea they are too cute.

  9. Nice work. I especially like the wolf.

  10. Your Felties are really cute and I like your own version of the matelot one! Woudl you be ahppy for me to display your creations in my Happy Crafter gallery?

  11. La Fee Crochette- Yes! I would love that! Thank you!

  12. OMG, I am overcome with cute! These are amazing, Alea!

  13. Anonymous12:52 AM

    just a random here XD

    I'm 14 and even I can do it :P
    just finished the babushka doll:

    and the panda:

    It's so much fun making them :D


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