Anyhow the response to the pictures of the patterns I've made has been overwhelming, you all think they are as cute as I do! So I'm having a contest, so 3 of you can each have your very own feltie too, made by me!
Here's how to enter to be one of three winners of the feltie of your choice!
Fill out the giveaway entry form here.
The giveaway is open to addresses within the U.S and Canada.
The giveaway will end December 6th at 6:59 pm Central Time.
Look below to decide which pattern you would like me to make you if you are the winner. The form will ask you to choose one (or pick surprise me! if you really can't choose).
"Mushroom Girl"

"Hoodie Wolf"

Mouse (modified from "Pirate Mouse")
"Pensive Rabbit"
"Little Lion"
"Sleepy Fox"
"Vivid Squirrel"
Puppy (modified from "Sailor Puppy")