This week we are discussing episode 5 of Pretty Little Liars, Reality Bites Me. Make sure to visit Carol and Khy for the rest of the chat!
Alea: Yes I liked...
Carol: bad ones?
Alea: "Put something in your mouth besides your foot."
Khyrinthia: "Have a buttercream" was the best.
Alea: Spencer said something about Toby pulling off squirrel heads or something, that was kinda funny too.
Carol: "Do you like the color?" when Jenna "feels" Hanna staring at her.
Khyrinthia: I feel like they are trying to make the Jenna scenes creepy, but they're really just funny.
Like with that quote.
Alea: Totally.
Carol: Yup.
Alea: I thought overall the episode was one of the weakest yet.
Khyrinthia: Boring episode, needs more Mona and A.
And Tennis Boy!
He has nice hair.
Alea: I want something really shocking, that gives me the chills!
Carol: Agree with you Khy. And no more Ken.
Khyrinthia: Shocking, yes!
Alea: We need more action and less talk!
Carol: More messages (that are better worded), more stalking, and more drama.
Alea: Yes!
Khyrinthia: More non romantic relationship drama, I hope.
Carol: Yes.
TUESDAY: There Is No Place Like Homecoming (Episode 6)
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Haha loved the lines you guys picked! I agree that it wasn't the best episode. Hehe I wouldn't mind seeing a little more of tennis boy though. Can't wait for tomorrow's episode.