Friday, February 03, 2012

Lookalikes 149

There is something I can't get past in the Limelight cover. It appears a country road is morphing into the Hollywood Walk of Fame, but I can't dig it. According to the summary it's sort of the opposite (Hollywood fading into the country) but either way I'm not sure I like it. True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet while a lot flatter, has some nice pops of color so it will be my winner today.
Thanks to Claire who suggested this lookalike! 
Have you spotted a Lookalike you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Personally, I like Limelight better. It looks a bit more professionally done. But the trees on either side kind of throw it for a loop. Not sure what I think about that part.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Renae @ Respiring Thoughts

  2. I'm not crazy about either one of them.

  3. I've read True Confessions and the 2nd book More Confessions. Loved them both. As well as the Lifetime movie with JoJo!
    But, I think I like the Limelight cover better, though I've never heard about it!

    - Shanise @ Camisado Mind

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    And Abseloutely Maybe by Lisa Yee. :)

  5. The thing that bothers me about Limelight is the shadow - it looks like the photographer's shadow is the shot. Maybe if it were all brightly lit?

  6. I agree with the summary that the hollywood is fading to country road, but to be honest I'm not keen on either cover.


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