Thursday, December 17, 2009

Weekly Dose of Felties!

Back again with the felties I've made since last time!

I sent off my 3 giveaway winner's felties over the weekend and actually started a new feltie giveaway with patterns from The Cute Book. And the new felties...

Rain cloud of my own design. Raining tears or crying rain? You decide.

Supposed to be a Christmas light, meh, not sure...

"Panda" from The Cute Book"

Christmas tree, based on one of my sketches.

"Monkey" from The Cute Book

And finally one of the feltie winner's Irish was kind enough to take a picture of herself with the frog she won! *spreads feltie joy*

UPDATE! Dani took a picture of the puppy she won! Here it is! Thanks Dani!


  1. YAY for felties!


    I wannnntttt oooneeeee!!!!!!

  2. I'm glad she took a picture with it because for some reason I was thinking they were a lot bigger than they appear.

  3. Agreed! They basically fit in the palm of your hand!

  4. I love the picture of Irish and her frog! I love the monkey feltie!

  5. These felties rock! I love 'em!


  6. AWWWWWW! The Christmas tree is awesome! And I ADORE the cloud! And the others I, unfortunately, am unable to see. Must be a glitch for me or something. I'm sure they're as adorable as the others :)

  7. Alea, they are beautiful! You've done such a great job! WANT!!!!!!!!!! :)

  8. I have a bunch of felt lying around, and now I really want to make some felties. Your rain cloud is so cool and your Christmas tree is amazing. I love the face.

  9. Thank you everyone for your kind words! Unfortunately I'm stumped as to what I should create next :/

  10. the tree is soooo cute ;-D

  11. They look so freaking cute, I so want theseee. You're so talented Alea : )

  12. Love the monkey! The friend I was visiting in LA makes her own felt, and I told her she should start making felties!

  13. OOoh felt making would be fun to learn!

  14. They are the cutest things ever. I'm afraid to start yet another fiber arts project -- must stick with lace must not bring in more supplies...

    Run another contest so I can enter again.


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