If you have no idea what Friday Night Lights is here is a bit of information from Amazon.com.
"...In the small town of Dillon, everyone comes together on Friday nights when the Dillon High Panthers play. But life is not a game; and the charismatic players, new coach Eric Taylor (Kyle Chandler), and the passionate fans find that their biggest challenges and obstacles come off the field in the compelling day-to-day dramas of their tight-knit community...."
Here is my argument of why you should watch Friday Night Lights:
(it's a mish mosh brain dump list so please forgive me!)
- You say you hate football, well I hate it more. You say you hate jocks & jerks, yup I hate them more. But I STILL love the show. It made me actually care about these things I hate. (In this one isolated instance, ha!)
- Watch the pilot, but don't plan on liking it, it's way way way too into football, but you have to get past it to see the rest of the show. You know, you might not even like the first half of season one, but stick with it and good things will come your way. I wasn't crazy about the first part of the season, it was ok but I stuck with it and now I can't get enough of the show. Gotta give the characters a little time to grow on you.
- I didn't touch my netflix for literally the whole month I was watching every episode available, and that has NEVER NEVER happened in the several years I've had netflix. NEVER.
-The Taylor family. Adele was right, this is the best depiction of a family on tv I've probably ever seen. Seriously, I want them to adopt me, let's get the papers going.
- Tim Riggins. A lot of people think he's hot but I think he's HILARIOUS.
-Matt Saracen. Just.... trust me!
- All the other characters. At first I wasn't a fan of a few of them, but now they are all fabulous, for their deep flaws or their pure goodness.
- You can stream the first 3 seasons of the show (they are on season 4 right now) for free on netflix.com if you are a member.
- I really don't know what to say, except please trust me and any other person that's mentioned the show to you and give it a good try.
After reading this post, if you are still not convinced go check out Adele's Friday Night Lights Week posts, they are what finally convinced me!