Friday, November 07, 2008

Lookalikes 19

Sister Chicas by Lisa Alvarado, Ann Hagman Cardinal, and Jane Alberdeston Coralin

Crowned by Julie Linker

I like these both but I have to say the second one I like a little bit more. The purple is totally working and the cute little frame around the title and author's name! And I like the addition of hands!

Which is your favorite?


  1. I like the second one as well. Though neither cover really makes me want to take a closer look.

    Diary of an Eccentric

  2. I like the second one too.

  3. I like the second one best too. Although I like the first ones hair better. :P

  4. I kind of like the top one. I guess I just like her curls more!

  5. I actually like the first one. The way her eyes are cracks me up (: And the colors on the white are just eye-popping. The first one seems kind of blank but I still kind of like it.

  6. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I actually like 1st on more :D
    now this is the first where we don't like the same things no?!

    mebbe because the girls eyes are beautiful there! and i love the subtle colors there :)

  7. Yeah, I like the first one better, I love the hair.

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The first one is my favourite, I like the piles of hair and the cute multicoloured title. But best of all, her eyes. It looks like she has a really good secret!

  9. I like both covers, I think the first better. I like the title too.

  10. Anonymous7:47 PM

    #1 is my favorite. :)

  11. Thanks for weighing in everyone! Looks like the first one won! Check back next Friday for the start of a 4 part Lookalikes series!

  12. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I vote for the bottom one. I love your lookalikes posts!

  13. bermudaonion- Thank you! I've always loved random observations like this and I'm glad I have people to share them with!

  14. I love them both! So cute!


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