Saturday, November 01, 2008

This Week In Books Or How I Almost Hit A Dry Spell, Almost!

So nothing until Thursday this week! Figured it would be a 2-3 book week but you know me, of course not!

Monday: nothing

Tuesday: nothing

Wednesday: nothing

From the library sale I got:
Fresh Off the Boat
Sister Chicas
Every Boy's Got One
Goodbye, Jimmy Choo
The House On Mango Street

In the mail I got 3 Willows (AHHHHH!) and Bible Illuminated!

Friday: In the mail I got Wife in the North

I also went to Borders and picked up:
Slam (finally out in paperback, YES!)
The Boy's Next Door (per Reviewer X's recommendation)
Reinventing Comics (read Understanding Comics in college, great book!)

Saturday: Confessions of a Contractor came from a very generous Librarything member! Thank you! 

I also got a postcard in the mail letting me know the copy of At Face Value I ordered for in-store pick up was ready! I was going to ask when I was at Borders last night and then I got distracted by some sweet little Buddas near the checkout line. Darn it! So I just got back from picking that up!

What did you get this week?


  1. Sounds like another good (BAD) week :)

  2. You crack me up. So many books, but I'm addicted as I understand.
    OHH I want 3 Willows. How exciting! Lucky lucky you.

    I got Dead Boys in the mail this week...and I think that was it. It was busier last week or the week before, I believe.


  3. Anonymous4:43 PM

    You make me feel good about what I got since my pile's not as big as yours.

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What a great week in books for you!

    It sounds like you've been waiting for *Slam*, I hope you enjoy it. The only Nick Hornby I've read is *A Long Way Down*.

  5. I got nothing at all this week. So sad. :P

    Anyway, The Boys Next Door and Every Boy's Got One are great! I missed my local libraries sale last week. I doubt they would have had much though. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself.

  6. Anonymous1:28 AM

    i read nothing other than Matrimony all this week :)

  7. Anonymous11:37 AM

    3 Willows? NO FAAAAIIRR.

    At Face Value was quite cute, fluffy. Like a rom-com.

  8. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hey I read Matrimony - and my review is up :D)

    dropped by to say a 'thank u ' again! I really liked it :0)

  9. Anonymous6:20 PM

    The mail carrier was good to you! :)

  10. Lenore- Exactly!

    shooting stars mag- Heheh! I just want to read all of my books at the same time!

    bermudaonion- :)

    dawn- I have been waiting for Slam! I've read a few of his Non-fiction books, none of his fiction yet though.

    amee- Aww. Oh good to hear they are good, they look fun! I'm sure the sale was all dictionaries and old science textbooks ;)

    veens- I'm glad you liked it!

    gabbi- LOL! I'm so excited for At Face Value!

    J. Kaye- Very! Yesterday started the week with a bang, 3 packages!

  11. What a busy week for you, or at least at the end. That's how mine was. I absolutely love library sales! Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  12. anna- I'm going to the library book store today after work. It definitely gives me something to get really excited about during the week!


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