Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas or I Believe I'm Scared of Santa!

Some evidence...

Here I am as a toddler visiting with Santa, don't I look like I'm having a great time?

Several years later I learned how to be gentle about my fear and avoided eye contact to protect myself but displayed a fake smile so Santa's feelings wouldn't be hurt.

These make me laugh everytime I see them! 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :P

EDITED TO SAY: Actually, I still don't like Santa. If there is one in a mall I usually get out of there as fast as possible and will not look at them. Creeps me out, as do people in animal costumes etc! No freaking way I'd humor them and chat!


  1. The first Santa scares me. The look on his face is frightening.

  2. Zoealea- LOL! That's my dad going what the heck is wrong with her, why does she hate this!

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I have one of my son crying on Santa's lap, but he doesn't look as scared as you do. Merry Christmas!

  4. There used to be a Santa that came to my great-grandmas house every year on Christmas Eve when my whole family would be there. I used to be a little scared of him, but I'm one of the youngest so all my cousins would go before me to sit on Santa's lap. And they were fine... and they got a present. So, even though he scared me a bit, I would still go and sit on his lap and talk to him, because I would get a present, lol. (I found out after both of my great-grandparents had passed away that the Santa was their neighbor! lol)


  5. Aw, that second picture is so cute! I think every kid is scared of Santa when they're that young. He's just a fat stranger in a strange suit to them. ;)

  6. hahaa (: the Santa was your dad? You were such a cutie when you were little.

  7. That first Santa doesn't look like he's having that much fun either.


  8. Those pictures are too cute. I love the look on your face in the second one.

    Merry Christmas!

  9. One of my stepfather's friends dresses up as Santa in our neck of the woods. I always smile when I see him, because he keeps the beard year-round. I'm surprised he doesn't get recognized more often during the non-Christmas season. :) Happy holidays!

  10. LOL It's fun to travel down memory lane, isn't it? There's a photo of Santa holding me as an infant and I'm just bawling my eyes out. It really hurt Santa's feelings because I didn't recognize who was under all that red and white. My dad was the designated Santa that year at the PX.

  11. LOL! Santa is scary for all kids at one point, but then you really get to love him! The first Santa really is creepy, though.

  12. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'm just gonna say that he does look a bit freaky. I'd be screaming too.

  13. HAHAHAHA! That's my dad, actually looking at the pictures the look on the second Santa's face is really scary, like "What do you want little girl Muahhahahah!"

  14. Are there horror books that feature an evil, possessed Santa? If not, there should be! (Not that you or I would read it...)

  15. Oh I can kinda relate to this! Mall Santas always seemed a bit creepy to me. Have you watched the movie Bad Santa?

    Merry Christmas!

  16. I love Santer. There was a guy on the bus today in a santa hat and he looked like santa. So I said hi santa to him. lol

  17. Anonymous3:31 PM

    That second picture is adorable -halfway between angelic and about to bolt from the room!

  18. Anonymous8:20 PM

    hehehe! LOL! though I erally like the 2nd pic... u look really b'ful :)

  19. You are adorable in your adoring-Santa (even if you don't like him) face!

  20. LOL! Hope you enjoyed these, I enjoyed your stories!

    I still think Santas make me uncomfortable! If they are in a mall I'll definitely get out of that area as soon as possible, same with people in animal character costumes!


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