Saturday, January 17, 2009

This Week In Books Or Please, Don't Act Surprised!


All from bookmooch!

No Such Thing came from the very generous Book Chic! ABC's came from author Tina Ferraro for my sister and I! Thank you guys! And Devil's Paintbox for review!

Tuesday: nothing


These came for review! Super In The City from LibraryThing's Early Reviewer's Program.

Ordered these on Amazon. I featured Sisters 8 on Waiting On Wednesday a few weeks ago!


First two from the library sale and last one for review!


Thanks to S. Krishna for letting me mooch a copy of Bras and Broomsticks! The Kiss Murder for review and other two also from bookmooch!


Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols

For review!

All but two of these came in the mail, so thanks to everyone that made that happen!

So, what's the most exciting book you got this week?


  1. Woo! I hope you enjoy Bras and Broomsticks. I just got the sequel to A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle (can't remember the title) from the library book sale.

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I'm not surprised, just overwhelmed! You must live in a library.

  3. Oooh - ABCs of Kissing Boys! I want that one!

    A stylish pile as usual - but where do you put them all?!

  4. Wow, this is nice!! I'm not sure what the best book I got this week was..I'll try and post the In My Mailbox stuff later though. :)


  5. I was very excited to get Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut in the mail this week. Not only because I love Vonnnegut, but also because it was a "bonus" book someone I was mooching from included in the package.

    Enjoy your new books!

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I love Chelsea Handler! You'll have to keep me posted on how good her books is.

  7. Yay for the mention! I actually completely forgot I had sent it to you, lol. Hope you enjoy it!

    Yay for Bras, Big Boned, Love is Hell, In Too Deep, ABCs, and Chelsea's book! I need to read Chelsea's book sometime... I wonder if my library has the audio book for it.

  8. Ooh, I so want to read How to Ditch Your Fairy!

  9. I loved Big Boned! I love the series actually. Have you read the first two?

  10. I think How To Ditch Your Fairy sounds really cute. I went to the bookstore last night and they didn't have the book I wanted :(

  11. Wow!

    Love Chelsea Handler. :) Enjoy!!

  12. I loved Bras and Broomsticks--it was soooo funny. I'm about to start the 4th soon. (: I also have How To Ditch Your Fairy on my shelf at home and can't wait to begin!!!!!!!

  13. Woah so many books. I'm excited to read the review of Going Too Far.

  14. Whoa you got some good books! Can't wait to see what you think of them.

    Can you check out my blog and add it to your link list?


    Just a girl

  15. Fun list! You always get such good things! I look forward to your post each week. You'd think I was the one receiving the books!

  16. I am jealous. Wow that is a huge haul of goodies.

  17. Wow!!! You did great this week! I got Night World 1 this week too! But I added to last week's list because that's when I ordered it.

  18. oh Alea... you so crazy, girl! You always get such great books!

  19. Anonymous10:53 AM

    so many books... again. =)

  20. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Wow! Have fun reading. ;)

  21. Anonymous11:28 AM

    I've been wanting to read The ABC's of Kissing Boys!(:

    I wish there was a library like yours near me!

  22. Wow! you have an impressive pile of goodies. It looks amazing. So, what are you going to start with first?

  23. wow, enjoy reading, you got some great ones!
    I went to the library and grabbed a few, Outlander, for one.

  24. I've read: Bra's and broomsticks and Big Boned. They are both Really good books! I love the Heather Well's series.

    I want to read: In too deep and How To Ditch Your Fairy.

    My favorite book that I got was Graceling by Kristin Cashmore. YA fantasy. It was really good and I'm telling everyone to read it. : D

  25. So many good books! I can't wait to get my own copy of ABCs.

  26. I'm not surprised at all! You're a book magnet. Happy reading!

    Diary of an Eccentric

  27. Thanks for the sweet comments everyone! As bermudaonion said, I basically do live in a library :P

    Sounds like you guys got some great stuff as well!


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