How to Ditch Your Fairy by Justine Larbalestier

Welcome to New Avalon, where everyone has a personal fairy. Though invisible to the naked eye, a personal fairy, like a specialized good luck charm, is vital to success. And in the case of the students at New Avalon Sports High, it might just determine whether you make the team, pass a class, or find that perfect outfit. But for 14-year-old Charlie, having a Parking Fairy is worse than having nothing at all—especially when the school bully carts her around like his own personal parking pass. Enter: The Plan. At first, teaming up with arch-enemy Fiorenza (who has an All-The-Boys-Like-You Fairy) seems like a great idea. But when Charlie unexpectedly gets her heart’s desire, it isn’t at all what she thought it would be like, and she’ll have resort to extraordinary measures to ditch her fairy. The question is: will Charlie herself survive the fairy ditching experiment? From the author of the acclaimed Magic or Madness trilogy, this is a delightful story of fairies, friendships, and figuring out how to make your own magic.
Wow, is there really any competition here! Yes, the hardcover is cute but it's nothing side by side with the paperback! Everything is taken up a notch in the paperback, the title font, the saturation of the colors, and the humor! I want to know who the designer is so I can shake their hand!
Hardcover or Paperback?
Thanks to Book Chic for bringing this one to my attention!
I actually like the hardcover better because it looks like she's ditching her fairy and not smashing it.
ReplyDeleteI like the hardcover one too. The first implies a cute fun read. The paperback seems more sinister since the poor fairy is being killed...not just ditched.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Alea, but I actually cringed at the paperback and had to look away! I muttered "Oh my . . ." under my breath! The poor fairy!
ReplyDeleteyeah the hammer kind of creeped me :\ I actually love the hardcover!
ReplyDeleteHardcover, too. The paperback is too sad/mean looking.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but I like the hardcover more, mostly for the nice colour constrast of the orange shirt and blue background. The paperback shocked me a bit, but is pretty funny.
ReplyDeleteI like the hardcover the best. I don't like that she's smashing the fairy on the PB cover.
ReplyDeleteLOL! That's why I love doing these! Everyone reacts differently, or in this case, i react differently :P
ReplyDeleteThe paperback just made me laugh (yikes! should I admit that?). The hardcover looks sassy and I like that too. So can't really choose.
ReplyDeleteI laughed out loud when I saw the second cover...hilarious, though the first cover is more appropriate for the title of the book.
ReplyDeleteThe paperback is odd. I don't know how appealing a cover with a giant hammer smashing a female figure is to me, lol. The hardcover is cute, with the girl flicking her fairy off her shoulder. Hardcover for me!
ReplyDeleteHardcover! I love this book and the paperback just looks...MEAN! The hardcover picture reflects the whimsical tone of the book, as Bermudaonion says, she's ditching it - not destroying it!
ReplyDeleteI like both covers, but I do like the colors and title treatment on the paperback better. I must say at first I was a little taken aback seeing someone being crushed by a hammer. But I still like it. After thinking about it in terms of Charlie's frustrations with her fairy. I think she'd have tried a hammer to get rid of it if she could!
ReplyDeleteI agree that I like the font and color better of the paperback but I HATE the hammer. I like the girl on the hardcover much, much better
ReplyDeleteBoth covers so interesting. But I love the second one, it fits the title better, and is more fun too.
ReplyDeleteI would totally go for the paperback (I love quirky humor!), but I think the hardcover is more accurate to the actual story.
ReplyDeleteI hope that no fairies were harmed when making the paperback! :D
I like the hardcover better. The paperback is violent. Okay, it's not gory but a hammer?
ReplyDeleteWow. I didn't realize so many people would be taken aback by this, lol.
ReplyDeleteI, for one, laughed and snorted (YES! I actually SNORTED!) when I saw the paperback cover.
In plain words,
But I have a sick sense of humor sometimes, so that could be it. I personally think it's hilarious.
The hardcover makes me more inclined to pick up the book at a store--the hammer seems so unnecessarily violent; smashing is not ditching, as Bermudaonion and others have said. I also prefer the consistent font of the hardcover, though I like the bolder colors of the paperback cover better.
ReplyDeletePaperback looks more polished than the hardcover. I would buy the paperback because of the cover, not the hardcover.
ReplyDeleteI like them both, but the paperback made me laugh out loud. It's not really ditching, but it's really funny!
ReplyDeleteHmm, sounds like people have pretty mixed opinions on this one. I like both, but the paperback definitely does have a more violent feel.
ReplyDeleteHi, Alea! We just got a paperback copy of Audrey Wait in at the bookstore where I work, and I noticed the back cover has a quote from your review. Pretty cool!
ReplyDeleteThe paperback is definitely eye catching! :)
ReplyDeleteHardcover, no doubt. *flick* Bye bye, fairy!
ReplyDeletePaperback! Hardback is slightly ehhh like I've seen it elsewhere but the paperback is like LOL! Totally new idea!
ReplyDeleteI'm the author of the book in question and I totally agree with Alea. I'm in love with the paperback cover. It's the best cover any of my books has ever had in any country. Much more striking and original than the hardcover jacket. Danielle Delaney is the designer. She's a genius.
ReplyDeleteFor those who are worried: No people or fairies were harmed in making the cover---just barbie dolls. I don't know about youse lot but I did MUCH worse to barbie dolls when I was a kid. Maybe that's just an Australian thing. :-)
Justine Larbalestier
Paperback=no for me. Cute, but a little creepy. Love the hardcover, though, and I love this feature, Alea!
ReplyDeleteI like the hardcover, but the paperback makes me wonder what the fairy did to deserve the hammer.
ReplyDeleteI totally prefer the hardcover and the fairy "flick." The paperback cover made me laugh out loud, but it seemed a little harsh with the squashed fairy. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Bermudaonion and some of the otehrs. I actually don't like the paperback at all! Poor thing :(
ReplyDeleteEwwww, paperback is creepy. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteI prefer the hardcover one. Not very fond of the second one. Too scary looking.
The second one kinda scares me hehe
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone, this was a great one. I loved seeing all the reactions!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks to Justine for her input!