Saturday, June 27, 2009

This Week In Books Or My Greatest Book Discovery!

Monday: nothing


Sookie Stackhouse, 1-7 Box Set by Charlaine Harris

Yay! Was so excited when this came. It's so tiny and cute. *pets* I just hate that stupid True Blood graphic, it is ugly :/


Cupidity by Caroline Goode
Ripped at the Seams by Nancy Krulik
Tell It To Naomi by Daniel Ehrenhaft
Boy Trouble (The 310 Series) by Beth Killian
Perfect by Sara Shepard

So I got these at the $2 bag sale at the library. Notice, that's not a grocery bags worth of books, can you believe it! Even the lady that checked me out asked, "You're not going for the bag?" I wanted to scream, "Don't tempt me lady!!!!" Anyhow, I've had the first book in the Pretty Little Liars series for years, why haven't I read it? What's wrong with me!

As You Wish by Jackson Pearce
Second Skin by Jessica Wollman
Girl to the Core by Stacey Goldblatt

These came for review, and specifically As You Wish for the Traveling to Teens tour!


Ballads of Surburbia by Stephanie Kuehnert

For a Traveling to Teens tour in July!


The Peril of Magnificent Love by Emma Magenta
Missing You by Meg Cabot
The Darkest Night by Gena Showalter
The Darkest Pleasure by Gena Showalter
Earthly Pleasures by Karen Neches
To Have and To Hold by Jane Green

So these were from my local library's sale. I'll probably be going back a few more times, they only do a sale once a year so gotta get in there a few times! I'm totally unsure if I will like the Gena Showalter books, I met her at BEA so I figured why not. And her YA book sounds interesting, has anyone read this series?

Chasing Daisy by Paige Toon
Fiction by Ara 13

These two came for review, not really sure what to think of that second one.

Driftwood Summer by Patti Callahan Henry

So I went to Borders to see their big Dollar Sale even though everyone said it was crap, which it was. I also brought my camera to see if the display with the two books I worked on was still up, but nope that's where the stupid Dollar Sale was :/ Anyhow I browsed around and left with that book, I had never heard of it but it sounds really interesting! Has anyone read Driftwood Summer, did you enjoy it?


In The American West by Richard Avedon
Simply Love by Mary Balogh
Negative Space by Zoe Strachan
All-American Girl by Meg Cabot

So went back to the library sale, and brought my sister. I found small pile of art books didn't see anything I liked so I moved on. 5 minutes later I walked by that table again and what was sitting right on top but In The American West by Richard Avedon, and then I opened it up and it was SIGNED! I almost died! Who cares if it's falling apart, I sure don't! My greatest book discovery ever!

The End by Anders Nilsen

This came from Bookmooch, was very excited because I'm not sure if this is in print anymore!


  1. Congratulations on your fantastic find! I haven't read Driftwood Summer, but I read a great review for it the other day.

  2. Way to go! How terrific you stumbled upon a signed copy of In The American West by Richard Avedon on your incredible book hunt.

    Happy Reading!

  3. Awesome books.

    I've read Drawers and Booths by Ara13. Definitely a talented writer and his book was very good, though I'm not sure they are for everybody.

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Wow that's amazing! It's signed! Happy reading!

  5. I got Chasing Daisy too. Random!

  6. Wow! What a find! What a haul!

  7. Great week! And a signed book! I remember getting a signed copy of a Meg Cabot book I found in the B&N bargain section. It was awesome, especially since it was only $3!

  8. Wow I hope my new library has some book sales like that. You got some great books. You should definitely read the Pretty Little Liars books. They are great. Happy reading!

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    What a fantastic week! On average, how much do you spend on books a week? Probably less than the cost of a regular hardback book. One day you'll have to build a library to hold everything!

  10. Anonymous6:08 PM

    I can't say how jealous I am of your Avedon's signed copy! That's amazing that you found it! :D
    You seem to have some great reading ahead of you. I have the Charlaine Harris box set, too, and like you I hate the "Dead until Dark" cover! It's not that ugly, but I don't like that it's different from the others in the box. :(

  11. infiniteshelf- Luckily I bought Sookie #1 before I decided to get the box set so I'm swapping out the ugly cover for the good one and passing the other one onto a friend!

  12. Thought I spotted Meg Cabot in there! Have fun!

  13. As You Wish sounds so so so amazing! *Wants a copy*

  14. Wow! So excited for you. While shopping this week, I found some signed books, sadly none were discounted.

    Second Skin sounds like a fun read.

  15. abcdefghi

    sorry just trying to leave you a long comment too! :3

    As You Wish was great! So cute and such a nice story. I think that you will really love it.

    Ballads is another one of those books that the p.o. doesn't want me to have! grrrr

  16. great books!

    i love the sookie original book covers!

  17. Awesome. I can't believe you found a signed copy no one picked up. Wow!

  18. Wowzers! That should keep you busy for a while! What are you going to do if you get that amount next week!? Great finds this week. :)

  19. I have that boxset too. I love it!

  20. I love the Sookie Stackhouse books. I just finished the 7th book! They are totally addictive!

  21. Wow. Wow-wow-wow-wowwowwow.

    I am speechless with that haul. Congrats and happy reading!

  22. Great books you got this week, you always get so many books.

  23. OH MY, OH MY
    You had such a great haul this week. Congrats on your great fnd and all your awesome books :)

  24. If you want something new and international try, from Australia, Dangerous Days by J. William Turner, published by Eloquent Books/AEG Publishing in New York.

  25. Oh, neat, I got As You Wish last week, too. (Won it.)


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