Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback 38

Shug by Jenny Han




In this gem of a first novel, Han artfully captures the wonder and complexity of that on-the-brink-of-womanhood age. Twelve-year-old Shug is a clever, brave, and true (on the inside) girl who experiencing the angst of junior high.

The paperback is so much more alive and engaging than the hardcover. Isn't that a fun summer cover! I'm writing this in April and will probably be beginning of Fall by the time this posts, but right now I'd love to be sitting outside with a popsicle! So fun!

Which is your favorite?


  1. I haven't read this one yet, but I think the paperback cover people look so young! The girl kind of -- go with me here -- looks like Dakota Fanning.

  2. The paperback looks more fun, less serious - I prefer the hardback cover, but the paperback is more appropriate for the audience and content.

  3. I like the hardback too! I find it more intriguing and the simplicity jumps out. I like the shadowed graffiti type writing in the background too, that adds another layer of interest.

  4. The paperback is just too cute -- the girl model makes me want to find out more about her. The hardcover is nice, but it wouldn't make me pick up the book.

  5. The hardback is kind of generic looking to me. I much prefer the paperback.

  6. I think both are just really cute. They're both really happy. I haven't read the book so I don't know which one is more appropriate, but just by eye appeal, I'd say I like the paperback a wee bit more.

    - Alex

  7. I prefer the paperback.

  8. I like the Hardcover better. And it REALLY makes me want a popsicle.

  9. I LOVE the paperback. I was already intrigued when it first came out in hardcover, but the paperback looks so bright and fun. Definitely matches the book so much more!

  10. I like the hardcover better!

  11. The paperback is miles better! I actually kind of want to read it now. :P

  12. I love both covers. They give me the fun loving feeling, especially when you read it during summer. It's a tie for me.

  13. I like how the cover of the paperback is more vibrant, but I don't really like the look on the model's face; it's kind of weird. The hardback is a little too simple for my tastes too though. Hmmm. If I had to choose, I guess I'd choose the paperback.

  14. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I love both, but it's true the last one is more alive! I love the colors, very "summery"

  15. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Definitely the paperback! It looks more fun and lively.

  16. I like the paperback much better, the hardback doesn't give you any idea of the age of the protagonist. Reading your description, and knowing that Shug is 12 years old, means that the paperback seems much better.

    Fiona :)

  17. I like the hardcover version more - the paperback cover just doesn't appeal to me as much. It's more fun and alive, but the sole popsicle on the hardcover I think draws more attention to the cover.

  18. I like both but the paperback is my favorite. It's so much more fun!


  19. I like the paperback cover!

  20. I have the paperback and I must say I covet the hardback but they didn't have it at Borders. I think the paperback fits the age group better, but I still like the overall look of the hardback better. I think it opens it up to older age groups that wouldn't usually read middle grade. The only thing that bugs me about the hardback is that I still constantly confuse Shug and Skinny by Ibi Kaslik: http://ak.buy.com/db_assets/large_images/794/204798794.jpg

  21. knowing nothing about the novel, I say the hardback. But then after reading the synopsis, I say the paperback.

  22. Hardcover, definitely! The paperback makes it look like a little kid book! I really like simpler covers, and the hardcover is just so cute!

  23. Hey, the hardcover looks like Skinny's cover, only different colours!

  24. Laina- Yup go look at that week's Lookalikes, that's what you will find there :D

  25. Haha, I'm brilliant :P I'm really behind, though. My only excuse.

  26. Laina- Hehe, when I have H v P and Lookalikes that use the same covers I try and do them the same week so it's like theme week hehe!


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