Sunday, August 02, 2009

500 Days of Summer

Rotten Tomatoes:

This is a story of boy meets girl, begins the wry, probing narrator of 500 Days of Summer, and with that the film takes off at breakneck speed into a funny, true-to-life and unique dissection of the unruly and unpredictable year-and-a-half of one young man's no-holds-barred love affair.

Tom, the boy, still believes, even in this cynical modern world, in the notion of a transforming, cosmically destined, lightning-strikes-once kind of love. Summer, the girl, doesn't. Not at all. But that doesn't stop Tom from going after her, again and again, like a modern Don Quixote, with all his might and courage. Suddenly, Tom is in love not just with a lovely, witty, intelligent woman not that he minds any of that -- but with the very idea of Summer, the very idea of a love that still has the power to shock the heart and stop the world. --© Fox Searchlight

This is the best movie I've seen in a long time, hands down. I was screaming with laughter several times in the theater and that hasn't happened in a long time! Oh my god was this movie GOOD! It was hilarious, clever, quirky, silly, cute, adorable, sad, a little depressing, this movie was everything!

Zooey Deschanel can do no wrong in my book and Joseph Gordon-Levitt was surprisingly adorable and lovable in this movie! It was like these roles were made for them. And all the secondary characters were great as well, they didn't take away the spotlight from the two stars but really enhanced the movie.

I loved the device used in the movie of 500 Days of Summer. How it jumps to the end of the 500 Days and to the beginning and to the middle, with number markers signifying the day. It was a very clever way to frame the story. It made the movie feel about 20 minutes long! It kept my attention so so so well. There were so many other great devices used in the movie as well, including animation, time lapse, a dance number, you name it and it was in this movie and it seems so natural and not forced at all.

If this movie is playing near you go see it! And as a side note, the soundtrack is wonderful too!

Check out the trailer:

500 Days of Summer is now in theatres
4.5/5 Stars
Saw in theater, paid a lot of $$


  1. I haven't seen this one yet but I like the trailer!

  2. I just checked - this is not showing at our theater, so I'm bummed now. I'll be watching for it!

  3. I want to watch this movie so much. Been in love with it every since I saw the trailer. But the stupid swine flu may prevent me from going to the theater : (

  4. I need to see a good movie...I've been seeing so many 'meh' movies that I've about given up! I'll keep an eye out for this one!

  5. I'd love to see this movie but it's not showing anywhere near me!! I'm glad you got to enjoy it though!!

  6. It looks so good! I can't wait till it's out on dvd. I will definitely be renting it!

  7. I haven't heard of this yet. The trailer was hilarious so I'm going to have to watch this.

  8. Glad you liked it too!!
    Gosh I can't wait for the dvd to be released hehe :)

  9. I definitely wanted to see this one before reading your review, and now I know I have to see it!

  10. I LOVED it!!! :)

    It's official, I am in love with Summer. ;)

  11. Aaargh. So jealous. I've been wanting to see this movie for ages. I was so excited on the 17th and then I realized it wasn't coming to my city. O_O It's now here though, and I plan to see it on Tuesday. (When it's cheap... :P)

    - Alex

  12. I'm dying to see this but it isn't in my area yet. I am glad you're giving it a good review because it looks so good that I think my heart would break a little if it was a bad film.

  13. I haven't seen this yet, but I love Zooey D too and will try to see it if I can!

  14. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Matthew Gray is nice role in500 days of summer. but i like only him to watch in criminal minds.yesterday i watch criminal minds season 3. i like his role very much.

  15. Okay, so maybe not ENTIRELY different taste in movies, because I also loved this one! And I pretty much agree with every thing you say. :-)


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