Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hardcover vs. Paperback 46

Willow by Julia Hoban

US Hardcover/Paperback

UK Edition (note the name change!)

Spanish Cover (thanks to Alba for this one!)


Seven months ago, on a rainy March night, sixteen year- old Willow’s parents died in a horrible car accident. Willow was driving. Now her older brother barely speaks to her, her new classmates know her as the killer orphan girl, and Willow is blocking the pain by secretly cutting herself. But when one boy —one sensitive, soulful boy—discovers Willow’s secret, it sparks an intense relationship that turns the “safe” world Willow has created for herself upside down. Told in an extraordinary fresh voice, Willow is an unforgettable novel about one girl’s struggle to cope with tragedy, and one boy’s refusal to give up on her.

Ooooh! For me it will always be the US edition, I fell in love with the book in that cover and I think it will stay that way. I like how the US and Spanish edition really focus in on Willow's face. I'm not sure I like how much of her body you see in the UK cover. And for me the yellow distracts from her emotion. It's also interesting that in the UK Willow will be known as Scarred. If it can't be called Willow I think that's a nice solution. It also helps create an initial emotion right away! The Spanish cover is interesting as well, I like the texture around the title and how it kind of looks like a blade painted it.

Hardcover or Paperback?

Have you spotted a Hardcover vs. Paperback you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. I like the 2nd cover! The 3rd one is Horrible!

  2. Interesting about the title change! When Julia showed me the UK cover when I was in NYC, it was still Willow, with nearly the same font as the US cover. Still, it's good. I do like them all. I want to see the covers for the other countries....

  3. Us edition for me too! It's the book I know and I'm anxious to read!

  4. The US cover--and title too. The UK one is a little over-the-top-angsty!

  5. Wow! I'm having a hard time deciding. I don't like the 3rd one too much, I can't pick between the first two!


  6. Definitely the first one for me. I don't mind the second one, but the yellow is just too distracting and bright for me. The third one is also for meehhh.

  7. Hm toughie, I think I prefer the UK one and title. It's more dramatic and I feel the girls pain

  8. That's a toughy. I can't decide between the US version and the UK one. I find the name change very odd. I like the title Willow.

  9. I actually love the UK version - though I don't know why they changed the name!

  10. U.S. cover without question for me. I really love that cover.

  11. I actually like the US pb best. I don't like three at all, 2 is ok.

  12. I like the US cover, too.

  13. I absolutely LOVE the Spanish cover - I think it's gorgeous but I love the American cover as well :)

  14. Well I can say I don't really like the last one. I like the 2nd cover because its more dramatic, but I think the bright yellow dress needs to go.

  15. I like the fist one. It does a good job incorporating the plot for me.

  16. US hardcover for me - just ordered a copy of that actually, can't wait to read it. :)

  17. I'm a bit fond of the US one myself though I love the color in the UK one.

  18. The US one is more subtle and pretty, but the 3rd one is ugly! And I find the UK one to be a bit melodramatic but eyecatching....

  19. I really like the US cover best, but the UK one's okay. I don't get the spanish one at all.


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