Saturday, November 07, 2009

This Week In Books Or How This Was Almost A One Book Week!

Monday: nothing

Tuesday: nothing


My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman

Thursday: nothing

Friday: nothing


So the mail came early in the day, I was expecting 2 Amazon packages and they didn't arrive. Irish/Gail pointed out that maybe there was going to be a late delivery today so I waited and sure enough there was! I was kind of excited to be able to post a one book week, but alas it wasn't meant to be.

Felties by Nelly Pailloux
Splendor by Anna Godbersen
The Grammar Devotional by Mignon Fogarty

Felties is what I was really waiting for. I'm going to try and make one or a few, depending on how it goes this weekend! These all came from Amazon.

Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
Eragon's Guide to Alagaesia by Christopher Paolini

These came from review. What are your thoughts on Paolini's books? I don't know much about them but do believe I saw the movie version of Eragon.


  1. Hello and Happy Weekend!

    It was a rather 'dry' week here as well (ARCwise). But I think of it as a time to catch up on back reviews.

    In any case, I've read half of "Eragon". Then a neighbor's child begged me to loan it to them, and... well, I relented.

    The half I did read was well written. As I said though, I can't comment on the how well it all came together; not until little Marcus (ok, he's not little. He's in HS) returns my pb.


  2. Splendor! I can't wait to read that. I really liked The Inheritance Cycle, and the first book was by far the best, for me.

  3. The movie does the book no justice. Alas the series goes hill and now the author is pretty much dragging it along.

  4. I read Eragon when it first came out and I have the other two books waiting to be read. I saw the movie only because it happened to be on tv...and it was just awful. The book was a much better read. Although I have a feeling that if and when I continue to read the other two books, I'll need some refresher, either by reread or reading a good summary. It was a good story and the author always acknowledged that he was inspired by previous fantasy books, especially Tolkien, and it definitely comes out in the first book, which is not a bad thing. I just always like it when authors directly say something like that. But despite this long-winded answer, yes it's worth a read. :) I too almost had a one-book week...then I went to the comic store and that changed everything. Happy reading!

  5. I've read Eragon and Eldest and did not like either of them. I love fantasy and science fiction and epic adventures and all that but I found these books to basically be a re-imagined Star Wars with different names. Regardless, I do hope you enjoy them!

  6. I've tried reading Eragon numerous times because so many of the teens I work with love it but... I've also given up numerous times. I don't like his writing and I find the story hard to follow. Plus, fantasy is not usually my cup of tea anyway, so I have to work extra hard to stay interested.

  7. I LOVED My Invented Life, i finished yesterday :D I haven't read any of the Eragon books so IDK, but i hear their pretty good.

  8. Thanks everyone! This is giving me a better feel for the book!

  9. Awesome books. Splendor looks good. Enjoy.

  10. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Nice books. Happy reading.

  11. I also had a slow week. I got one book I won from Library Thing but no ARCs and I didn't see anything I wanted to buy either. slow time of year for books to be published maybe.

  12. You have an award at my blog! :D

  13. It would have be odd to see you post ONLY one book! :)

    My little brother (who is 14) loves the Eragon books, but I havne't read them. Though he tells me over and over again that I must!

  14. I'm desperate to read My Invented Life, it sounds *so* good!!

  15. I agree with Lauren, I cant wait to read My Invented Life, sounds so good!! great week, I haven't read Eragon either, but saw the movie, was good :)

  16. fantastical books! i really want that eragon's guide! i love that series... although i haven't read brisingr.

    i hope you enjoy them and have/had a great weekend! happy reading!

  17. Great mailbox. I get so impatient waiting for the mail!

    Elie (Ellz Readz)

    I just started following you. Come check out my blog..

  18. Super excited about the Felties (as you already know)!

    I snagged a copy of Splendor this week as well. Gotta love those buy one get one 50% off at Borders coupons :)

  19. I thought I was going to have a slow week, but it didn't end up being that way. Happy reading!

  20. The movie of Eragon was HORRIBLE. I was sad bacuase they butchered it so badly that the rest of the books in the series can never be made.

    I did like the first book quite a bit. The second and third, good, but not as good as the first in my opinion.

  21. See, like, um, for me? That would have been a mega massive book week.

  22. And the Saturday mail pulls through!

    I was not a fan of Paolini. I read the first 1.5 books and kind of gave up. I'll be interested in your thoughts.

  23. I think next week I'll have a no-book week XD My money has been bleed dry. It would have been interesting to just have one book.
    I never got into the Eragon novels. I've picked them up a few times, read the first page, but I don't think it's my kind of thing.


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