I'm pleased to welcome illustrator Joanne Renaud today for an interview! I first heard about Joanne when she did some pieces for author, Sarah MacLean's website, see the header here! And check out her deviantart site here!
1. Would you say you have always been an artist? Has it always been illustration and the graphic arts you were interested in?
Yes, I was always the class artist, scribbling on the margins of my homework. I loved writing too. This was the '80s and I loved Choose Your Own Adventure Books, and I was really into making my own books. One of the CYOA books I wrote when I was nine was called-- wait for it-- "The Secret of Unicorn Valley." It featured unicorns! And rainbows! And evil Chinese mafia guys!
There was a boy in my class who wanted me to write a CYOA about the Transformers, but I said no because I thought the Transformers were dorky.
2. I see you studied Graphic Design (me too!), is that something you also do along with illustration or do you just do straight illustration now?
3. What's the illustration process like for you? What happens from initial concept to final piece?
Acrylics probably, but I also like working with colored pencil on occasion. (I used to work with oils a lot in art school, but the fumes are deadly in a small space, and I usually have to work out of my bedroom.) I would like to learn how to paint digitally soon too, although I cringe at the idea of spending even more time on the computer than I already do.
5. What is your favorite thing to draw?
6. Does a lot of research happen before you put pencil to paper? Do you draw from source material or does it all come straight from your mind?

7. You recently moved from LA to New York City, tell us what that's been like? What's different, better, worse?
Well, the food is more expensive. But I don't have to worry about having a car or insurance, which is nice. I find myself getting out more. In LA, driving everywhere really curtailed my social life, so I ended up just hanging out with three people, and watching way too much TV. It's Saturday night in North Hollywood ? It must be Law & Order time!
The negative: library hours are really short here, compared to what was back in LA. I'm also afraid the independent bookstores left in New York are not up to caliber of bookstores back in LA, which are very genre-friendly. I love vintage fantasy, romance and horror-- the more obscure the better-- and that's a bit hard to come by here. NY indie bookstores are great for literary fiction, which really doesn't interest me.

I've actually been writing a lot lately. Right now I'm working on a gothic romance set in the mid '60s, against the background of the British Invasion and Warhol's Factory. I'm also working on a few short stories for Dark Valentine magazine-- one's contemporary urban fantasy with (non-sparkly ) vampires, and the other's set in ancient Persia. Eclectic? I'm not sure what you mean!
I'm especially excited to be working as Dark Valentine's art director. The amazing graphic designer/illustrator Sarah Vaughn-- who designed the the dress-up doll for Gail Carriger's Soulless, and the Regency dress up dolls showcased on Smart Bitches Trashy Books-- designed our website, and it's gorgeous. She did a wonderful job. Our first issue will be out later this spring, and it will feature a cover painted by me, and stories by the talented Christine Pope, Katherine Tomlinson, Robin Claire Barnes, and many others.
Wow, her illustrations are fantastic! I'm surprised the bookstores in LA are better than those in New York.
ReplyDeleteVery nice! I really like the header at Sarah MacLean's site! :)
ReplyDeleteI see your fame is spreading--as well it should. I always enjoy looking at your art.
ReplyDeleteThey are just BEAUTIFUL illustrations! Great interview Alea, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI love the graphic for Dark Valentine. And I love the pencil drawings -- wow! I really hadn't thought about the amount of research needed to do those illustrations. Well there's always the Strand for books.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for the interview, Alea! It's so cool to read the comments here. :)
ReplyDeleteBeth F, don't get me started about the Strand. It's good for new first editions and non-fiction but is pretty bad for genre books, especially any published before 2006. I read lots of romance, fantasy and horror, and every time I have been in there I have been VERY disappointed in their selection.
"I'm also afraid the independent bookstores left in New York are not up to caliber of bookstores back in LA, which are very genre-friendly."
ReplyDeleteI am shocked. Every New Yorker I know that has moved out to California, seems so much more into reading than my fellow native Californians. Then on the other hand, that could explain why the used book stores out here might be better.
I know what you mean, Cormac. It's really counter-intuitive, ain't it?
ReplyDeleteBut I've been told that as Manhattan has gentrified, "the good used bookstores have mostly evaporated. For an island with a couple million residents, the pickings are surprisingly poor."
Also, the indie bookstores left tend to skew literary. And I think I'd rather watch paint dry then read so-called literary fiction.