Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hardcover vs Paperback 133

Savannah "Van" Leone has been in love with Peter Clarke since their first day of college. Six years later, Peter is marrying Van's best friend, Janie. Loyal to a fault, Van dons her pumpkin-orange, maid-of- honor gown and stands up for the couple, struggling to hide her true feelings even when she couldn't be more conspicuous. After the wedding, nursing her broken heart with a Rin Tin Tin marathon plus a vodka chaser, Van accidentally orders a German Shepherd puppy over the Internet. When "Joe" turns out to be a hundred-pound beast who only responds to commands in Slovak, Van is at the end of her rope-until she realizes that sometimes life needs to get more complicated before it can get better.

Let me start by saying I absolutely loved this book! Both covers are cute but there is something so cute about the paperback and it speaks a little to how Van got Joe. And the typeface of the title on the paperback has a little more character. 

Have you spotted a Hardcover vs. Paperback you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. I love both covers, but the dog on the top cover looks more like the one in the description.

  2. I love these covers (and loved the book!). I'm a sucker for puppies so I'll have to go with the paperback though.

  3. Based on just the cover, the paperback wins for me. But they're both very sweet. :)


  4. i haven't read the book, but i really like the paperback cover. it's so much more fun and i like the lowercase letters so much more. i am a big animal person, so i will have to read this!

  5. I LOVED this book! And my favorite cover is the paperback cover (although both are cute).

  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Definitely the paperback.

  7. The hardcover! Because the dog in that photo is actually Allie's dog!!

  8. Love the paperback cover!

  9. I love the dog in the box! Very cute.

  10. You cannot go wrong with an adorable dog poking its head out of a box - it's just too cute!


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