Monday, September 22, 2008

Lookalikes 10

These really look nothing alike but I like the idea behind them. These make some beautiful covers. I really can't pick a favorite, can you? 


  1. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I'd probably pick up the first one to read what it is about. The second one looks prettier from my artistic POV. :)

  2. i really like the deep blue of the second cover. I would pick that one up for sure

  3. I think I would pick up both to see what they're about. The title of the first make me think I'd be more likely to read it though.

  4. I like the first one. It looks interesting since it's turned sideways.

  5. I love the cover for Swim to Me. I wasn't crazy about the book itself though, and sometimes I think the only reason I hang on to my copy is that lovely cover photo.

  6. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Really pretty covers. I like Swim to Me.

  7. J. Kaye- Yes, the second is definitely prettier, but the first seems interesting too!

    serena- Yes that blue is pretty!

    amee- I need to start putting the names and links for these, I'm just so lazy!

    khyrinthia- Yes I like that about it too!

    marie- I'm definitely guilty of that too!

    tracy- They are so pretty aren't they!

  8. BEAUTIFUL covers! I ordered an Esther Williams swimsuit this year and I just love the cut... it looks like the book 2 suits. :)

  9. Anonymous6:06 PM

    My favourite is the second - it looks so graceful. :)

  10. Gabbi- Graceful is a great word for it!

  11. Melissa Walker- Oooh. That is a very nice cut!

  12. I posted about your giveaway series here!

  13. Sorry, I meant to say "lookalikes"! I've been in front of the computer for too long!

  14. avisannaschild- Thanks again for doing that! This is a huge interest of mine and I love that other people love it too!


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