Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hardcover vs Paperback 54

The Other Side of the Island by Allegra Goodman




Honor lives in a dystopian world ruled by benevolent Earth Mother, where conformity is prized, the world is peaceful, and the Corporation has controlled the weather since the Flood. But Honor's parents dare to be different, having a second child and pressuring Honor to remember things everyone else is trying to forget. By the time Honor is 13, she cannot understand why her parents refuse to follow the rules, even as she becomes more grimly determined to be the perfect student. For a slightly younger age group than the current crop of dystopian and apocalyptic novels, the book is at its best when it's inside Honor's head, as she struggles to balance her parents' unorthodoxy with her craving to belong. Information about how this new world came to be is teasingly dispensed, and that, too, will keep readers engaged. Less successful is a daring, yet sometimes confusing, rescue at the story's conclusion. Still, as with many books in the genre, this offers readers plenty to consider, including how they might react in Honor's place.

I'm torn. The hardcover instantly says dystopia to me but the paperback is more clever when you know what the book is about. But that's the problem, the paperback doesn't work unless you know what the book is about, at least I think. The title gives you a hint though. The hardcover says more young adult to me than the paperback though. I don't think I can choose one of the other!

Hardcover or Paperback?

Have you spotted a Hardcover vs. Paperback you would like to contribute? Send me an email!


  1. I agree with your comments 100%. If I had to pick one, I think I like the paperback because it's a clever play on the story itself.

  2. Talk about totally different feels! I'm going to have to go with the paperback, though.

  3. Maybe I would have to read the book - but even then I think these covers have super poor design execution. For the love of photoshop!

  4. Ohhh, I love the paperback cover!!

  5. Paperback, I vote for the paperback.

  6. I'd definitely pick up the paperback, the hardcover doesn't draw me in.

  7. I say Paperback, mostly because it reminds me of the book cover for Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. But yeah, wow, totally different looks on these!

  8. I like the hardcover. The paperback makes it look like a romantic comedy. The hardcover cover looks darker and more myerious.

    Elie (Ellz Readz)

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I love both! The HC seems to fit the mood more, but the PB seems really clever.

  10. I definitely like the first one better. Second one makes me NOT want to read it--don't care for it at all.

  11. The paperback because I love water-globes and is very clever.

  12. the first one looks more intriguing, and I think I'd be more likely to pick it up and look at it.

  13. I don't like either :)

  14. The hardcover is very dramatic and all, but I totally favor the paperback, there's just so much depth to it! Plus I love snowglobes (:

  15. I love the paperback. It's really appealing. The color scheme is much better. Plus, I think it gets the message across really well. It's more clever.

  16. I like the paperback if for no other reason than the fact that the text on the hardcover gives me vertigo! LOL


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